目前,美国签证申请人可以通过两个方式查询到自己的签证申请进度,两者查询的进度和方式有所不同 。
进入查询页面,选择非移民签证,选择申请签证的领区和提交的DS160编码即可查询 。请看附图
如果输入了有效正确的DS160表明会显示你的签证状态 。
注意:部分更新较慢,显示政审的话不一定是政审 。请在提交后3-5个工作日再查询比较稳妥 。如果状态因需要补交材料而“暂时被拒",请您在材料补交后三至五个工作日后再查询 。
Check the Status of Your Visa Online – CEAC Status Check非移民签证类进度
Introducing the new CEAC Status Check. We hope you find it helpful.
Applicants for both immigrant visas and nonimmigrant visas can now check the status of their visa cases online by visiting the CEAC launch page (https://ceac.state.gov/CEAC/) and using the new CEAC Status Check.
To use the CEAC Status Check, you just need to enter your CEAC Barcode and the interview location for NIV cases and the case number for IV cases. The check will return one of the following statuses.
- No Status:
If you have submitted your online nonimmigrant visa application (DS-160), it has not yet been processed into the visa system. At some locations, your application will remain in this status until you appear for an interview or until your application is ready for review. Please see the embassy or consulate’s website for information on the next steps required for visa processing.
提交了DS160,还没有安排预约面谈 。
- Ready:
Your case is open and ready for your interview, fingerprints, and required documents. If you have already had your interview, please check your status after two business days. If no interview was required, please check back in two business days for the status of your application.』
你已经完成预约面谈,请在两个工作日后查询 。
【美国签证哪里办,美国签证的办理流程】- Administrative Processing:
Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days.
你的签证正在审核 。如果政审,只有等了哦 。
- Issued:
Your visa is in final processing. If you have not received it in more than 10 working days, please see the webpage for contact information of the embassy or consulate where you submitted your application.
签发签证 。如果10个工作日还没有收到签证,请直接联系递交签证的大使馆或者领事馆 。
- Refused:
The case has been refused for a reason other than those listed in Administrative Processing.
因政审中的某条签证被拒 。
Meaning of tracker messages
your passport is In Transit To Post."= is yet to deliver your passport to the Consulate. It is inbetween the Stanley location and Consulate.你的护照还在送往大使馆或者领事馆的途中.
your passport is Delivered To Post ."= delivered your passport to the Consulate. 你的护照已经送往大使馆或者领事馆.
Your passport is still with post= your passport is still in the Consulate. 你的护照还在大使馆或者领事馆
your passport is Origination Scan."= US Consulate has filled in your Courier slip but is awaiting Courier Company to pick it / Courier Company is in the process of issuing an AWB/Reference code. 你的护照已经打印完毕,准备送往指定的地方.
your passport is In Transit From Post."= The passport with or without the visa is now being transported by courier to the pick up location that you specified at the time of creating the appointment. Please check the location of pickup on your US Consulate appointment invitation letter. 你的护照被已送往指定的取件中心
your passport is Ready For Pickup."= It has arrived at the Pickup location. For some it may be the Facilitation Center. 你可以在你指定的中信银行领取护照了.
去http://www.ustraveldocs.com/cn_zh/index.html?firstTime=No登录自己的帐号可以查询护照状态 。
去https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx根据DS-160编号可以查签证状态 。
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