"个人简历"用英语怎么说( 二 )

I know in your resume that you have worked in your present pany for 3 years,can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?
简历撰写旨在将自己出售到市场--但是首个需要了解的市场是你自己 。
Resume Writing depends on selling yourself to the market - but the first market tounderstand is yourself.
一定要诚实,因为有些面试官常常可以在你的简历中发现问题 。
Always use honesty as some interviewers will be able to detect problems in yourresume.
在接下来是求职信的主体部分,应该总结一下你简历的内容,并且在其中要加强某些任职条件,让你独一无二的脱颖而出 。
The next section is the body of the letter, and should summarize your resume.There should be an enhancement of qualifications that stand out as uniquely yourown.
那么你就需要了解这些关键词的真正含义并且如何在你的简历中采用它们 。
Then, you need to know what they really mean, and how to use them in yourresume and cover letters.
提案响应文件中包含有资源模型,并附有候选者的姓名和他们的简历 。
The proposal response document includes this resource model along with namesof candidates and their curriculum vitae.
这样思考下 — 除去你的工作经历,你依然有一个令人注目的简历,那么,你就是赢者 。
Think of it this way – if you can remove work experience and still have apelling resume, you win.
I: I know in your resume that you have worked in your present pany for 3years, can you tell me why you want to leave your present job and join us?
我认为我的能力完全符合您的职位的描述要求,正如你可以从我的简历上看到,我在解决问题,处理顾客上是有证明业绩的 。
I feel that my qualifications match your job description. I have a proven track record in resolving problems, dealing with customers, as you can see from myresume.
问题一:"个人简历"用英语怎么说Curriculum Vitae
问题二:个人简历 英文有几种说法?Curriculum Vitae
问题三:我的简历,英语怎么说?My resume
问题四:个人简历英文怎么说1.可以用 罚ersonal Resume 【个人简历】
2.也可以简单的直接用 Resume 【简历】
问题五:“李XX 的简历 ” 用英文怎么说the resume of Li XX
这种是最常用的 。。
==>不能说太多内容,也没有必要说太多内容 。就是:
如:我从XX网站看到你们的招聘广告,我想应聘XX 。
Having found your recruitment notice(advertisement) on XXX, I'm sending my resume to you for a position of XXX in XXX department.
I think I'm petent with this position because...Please refer to my resume for details.
3.表达自己对该工作的强烈兴趣 。
I'm very interested in your pany and this postion because I think it is a pretty promising pany in XX industry. You're appreciated if I get an interview chance.
Thank you very much for your time in reading this resume.
1. My resume is attached in the enclosure.(英语用词忌讳重复)
2. My resume is enclosed in the attachment.(英语用词忌讳重复)
3. Please refer to my resume in the attachment/enclosure.
4. 最简单的说法:Resume enclosed或Resume attached.(看情况使用,可作为补充说明)
问题七:个人简历用英语怎么说啊?Personal Resume:)
问题八:“投简历”用英文怎么说?send out somebody's CV
我在新西兰留学,我们这里的公司机构说“简历”这个词的时候用的都是CV 。
【"个人简历"用英语怎么说】问题十:"个人简历"用英语怎么说Curriculum Vitae
