从鸡蛋问题看SCI论文中abstract的写作技巧 abstract怎么写( 三 )

例如, 类似这样的语句:
The results provide an existence proof that spatial models can produce thepatterns of data in free association previously thought to be problematic forthis class of models.
通常, abstract仅限于一个段落, 但无论摘要有多短, 都应该至少包括三个核心要素(主题、方法和结论) 。
以这个例子没有介绍研究背景和意义等信息, 但同样也是篇学术性的论文的abstract 。 也就是说abstract必须, 简明扼要,一看就知道作者做了哪些工作,不看正文也知道文章里写些什么!

从鸡蛋问题看SCI论文中abstract的写作技巧 abstract怎么写


又所谓“自古深情留不住, 唯有套路得人心”, 那么, SCI论文的abstract套路是什么呢?学术化一点的说法是, 关于abstract的语言结构化分析;通俗一点的说法是, 精心策划的专门应对SCI论文abstract的模版化写作方法, 即套路 。
从语言结构的角度看, 一个比较完整的三要素abstract通常由以下三个主要句型组成:主题句、支持句和结论句 。
1 主题句
abstract的第一句通常被称为“主题句”, 表明论文需要回答什么的问题, 主题句总是直接指向主题或问题, 并指出论文的主要目的 。
The purpose of this paper is to explore the di?erentevent-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by higher and lower hierarchicallevels of rule shifting in a cue-target task.
The paper presents ...
The paper aims to provide ...
The primary goal of this research is ...
The purpose of this study is ...
The intention of this paper is to survey ...
The work presented in this paper focuses on several aspects of thefollowing ...
In this paper, the xx(hybrid) application of xx (decision tree andassociation rules) was o?ered to discover xx(a?liation)
The overall objective of this study ...
2 支持句
主题句后面通常跟着一句以上的支持句, 这些支持句进一步明确了要介绍SCI论文的主题或要解决的问题 。 这一部分的语句将提供研究方法、实验、程序、调查、计算、分析结果和其他重要的SCI论文中的信息内容 。 因此, 这些支持句可以作为abstract的“主体”(main body) 。
Proposed method works in two phases. First phase is segmentation ofdigital mammogram to find region of interest (ROI). It consists of medianfiltering for noise removal, morphological processing for removing thebackground and suppressing artifacts, image enhancement techniques to improveimage quality followed by region growing algorithm for complete removal ofpectoral muscle. Second phase is image mining to find frequent image patternspresent in mammogram images using Association rule. It consists of featureextraction, optimization by selecting most discriminating features among them, discretizationof selected features and generation of transaction representation of inputimages. This is given as input to Apriori algorithm to generate associationrules.
以上这个例子, 基本把论文中所要实现的目标以及如何实现目标说得十分明确了 。
This paper investigates the ...
The approach adopted extensively is called ...
This paper developed and implemented a method for ...
A qualitative research approach was adopted to obtain ...
For that purpose, the model of ... was created.
This paper describes a workflow that ...
A method for combining ... and ... is proposed by introducing apurposely-build ... matrix.
The experiment consisted of xxx(three) steps which are described in...
结论句是abstract的结尾部分主要构成, 通常对结果进行分析, 说明应用效果, 并指出研究的创新点 。
The results provide an image of the state of the runway including damageon and under the surface, which are the most common causes of runwaydistortions. The data are automatically recorded in the newly establishedinformation system, which supports the decision-making regarding renovations andrunway maintenance. The measurement on the runway takes 30 min, which does notlead to a long closure of the airport and, thus, reduces traffic jams andadditional costs.
Results have shown that ...
【从鸡蛋问题看SCI论文中abstract的写作技巧 abstract怎么写】 A set of experiments showed that the discovered ...
It is concluded that ...
The performance of our approach is evaluated using ...
