从鸡蛋问题看SCI论文中abstract的写作技巧 abstract怎么写( 四 )

The results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm not only r..., butthat it also ..., if applied to them.
The design model reveals that the most useful patterns are those that show...
Experimental results verify that the ideas presented in this article areuseful for the ...
These findings of the research have led the author to the conclusion that...
虽然笔者嗦了一大堆abstract的一般结构, 并列出了abstract的不同部分中使用的若干句型 。 然而,个人的经验是由于每篇论文的主题、目的、方法和结论都是不同的, 它们都有各自的特点 。 因此, 在准备撰写SCI Abstract时, 为了避免陷入郑人买履的陷阱, 还是应当广泛地具体选择适合当篇论文的abstract语句结构, 避免粘附任何呆板的模版, 尽量“何不试之以足”为好 。
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