感受和意见;您可以通过说出您对刚问的问题的看法,轻松扩展您的答案 。它也会让你的答案更有趣 。你有空时喜欢做什么?简短的回答: ‘I like shopping.’更长的回答:‘I like shopping because I love trying on new clothes and I always feel more confident when I’m wearing a new outfit.
对比细节;您可以扩展答案的最简单方法之一就是使用“但是”这个词来对比细节 。简短回答: I’ve worked there for three years.更长的答案: I’ve worked there for three years, but I’m going to change careers next year.雅思口语提升10个实用小方法,第10个方法最有用
结合细节;您可以使用"and" , "with"或"also"添加一些额外的详细信息,而不是给出一个非常简短的答案 。你住在公寓还是房子里?剪短回答:I live in a house.更好的答案:I live in a house with my two brothers and my mum. We’ve also got a dog and a cat.
跟过去的比较;你可以谈谈你现在所做的事情以及现在的变化 。你喜欢运动吗?简短回答:I play football详细回答:I used to love basketball, but now I play football more because that’s what my friends are in to.
添加原因;总是试着解释你为什么在考试中思考或做某事 。你可以使用"因为"或"如此"来做到这一点 。你喜欢你的工作吗?简短回答:Yes, I really love my job.详细回答:Yes, I really love my job because I get to help people with their problems everyday.
未来;如果将来某些事情发生变化,你可以使用未来的结构之一,比如"will"或"be + going to" 。你现在是工作还是学习?简短回答:I’m at university at the moment.详细回答:I’m at university at the moment, but I’m graduating next year and I will hopefully get a job in advertising.
对比其他的意见;您可能会被问到一个问题,您必须在哪里谈论您的意见或其他人的意见 。使用"即使如此"或"虽然"来表明您已考虑过双方 。您的家乡是游客参观的好地方吗?简短回答:Yes, it has a really nice beach.更长的答案:Yes, it has a really nice beach, although it is getting really busy these days, so it’s not as pristine as it used to be.
举例;现实生活中的例子总是最容易讨论的事情,因为你可以自然地 , 更详细地谈论它们 。你和兄弟相处得好吗?简短的回答:No, we’re not in to the same things.更长的回答:No, we’re not in to the same things, like when we are both watching TV we always fight about what show to watch.
频率;您可以使用“通常”,“从不”,“始终”和“经常”这样的词语 。扩展你的答案 。你周末做什么?简短的回答:I watch TV and play computer games.更长的回答: I usually watch TV and play computer games, but sometimes I go out for a drink with my friends.
【雅思口语技巧】实力碾压;所有的技巧 , 方法都是建立在英语基础之上,不要过于迷信方法,平时多打好基础,多积累词汇量,平时可以通过大量的练习来提高自己英语水平 。词汇量的积累也特别重要