
1.Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.
因为你 , 我懂得了成长 , 可你 , 依旧是我的伤 。
2.Girls are gentle in the world, remember to be beautiful.
女孩子都是世间的温柔 , 记得要美好 。
3.Don't care, just don't dare to ask, afraid to know everything about you.
不是不关心 , 只是不敢问 , 害怕知道你的一切 。
4.He's not wrong, he just didn't love me for a long time.
他没有错 , 只是没有爱我很久 。
5.The reason for the collapse, in the eyes of others, is a fuss.
崩溃的理由 , 在别人看来都是小题大做 。
6.I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it.
我对你的爱从来没有停止 , 只是我不再让别人知道而已 。
7.No matter how hard one tries, he can't support two people's sky.
【“瞬间泪奔”的扎心文案:拿真心换来的,都只是成长】一个人再努力 , 也撑不起两个人的天空 。
8.There are few catkins on the branch, and there is no grass in the end of the world.
枝上柳絮吹又少 , 天涯何处无芳草 。
9.I finally through that period to see who are like you, what can think of you, listen to the song is about your day. Very glad, I finally can not ask the date of return, do not contact, no longer think of you, no longer wait for you.
我终于熬过那段看谁都像你 , 干什么都能想起你写父亲的扎心文案写父亲的扎心文案 , 听的歌都是关于你的日子 。 很庆幸 , 我终于可以不问归期 , 不用联系 , 不再想你 , 不再等你 。
10.The one who tears first in his left eye must be the one who is extremely sad.
左眼先掉泪的人 , 一定是伤心至极的人 。
11.Don't look for him. He'll make you cry for a long time.
别去找他 , 他会让你哭很久 。
12.In exchange for sincerity, all is growth.
拿真心换来的 , 都只是成长 。
