
“每一次唇齿间的邂逅, 总能挑起味蕾无限的激情, 此去经年, 又有多少记忆中的味道离我们远去 。 ”
其实, 了解一个人并不意味着什么, 人是会改变的, 有一天他会喜欢红烧牛肉面, 明天他可能会喜欢红油面 。
【亲情陪伴文案|我逝去了风华年少,仍有你日夜相随,一直到老】In fact, understanding a person does not mean anything, people will change, one day he likes braised beef noodles, tomorrow he may like red oil noodles.
和你在一起的时间不会因为天气好陪小孩的文案, 因为天气坏, 因为天气刚刚好而单调 。
Time with you is never monotonous because the weather is good, because the weather is bad, because the weather is just right.
我想让你知道, 在这个世界上, 总有一个人会等你 。
I want you to know, in this world, there is always someone will be waiting for you.
如果爱是一种选择, 那就没有别的选择 。 于是我成为了一名方便面专家, 并遇到了一个同样喜欢方便面的女孩 。
If love is a choice, there is no other choice.So I became an instant noodle expert and met a girl who also loved instant noodles.
“长大”这两个字连个偏旁都没有, 好孤单 。 “长”有“大”陪伴, 他们不孤单 。
"Grow up" these two words connect a side all have no, good alone."Long" has "big" company, they are not alone.
这个世界真大, 大到可以装下一万种委屈 。 世界那么小, 小到可以用一碗泡面来温暖一下自己 。


The world is big, big enough to hold ten thousand kinds of grievances.The world is small, small enough to warm yourself with a bowl of instant noodles.
你做错了什么, 爱的不止你一个 。 你可以在尘土里爱一个人, 但没有人会在尘土里爱你 。
What do you wronged, love and not only you one.You may love someone in the dust, but no one will love you in the dust.
岁月使我的脾气变坏了 。 但不是为了你勇敢的自我 。
The years have worn away my temper.But not for your brave self.
默然暗伤文案|即使我麻痹了自己, 却还是能感受你
悄然动心文案|云朵也在天空飘着陪小孩的文案, 你去哪他也去哪
“咖啡情话”我想和你一起, 再养一只猫, 这就是最美丽的生活
“咖啡情话”金色的发簪, 为我而做的红衣
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