
【2020年秒赞的端午节文案:温暖四溢,必须收藏!】1.端午粽飘香,龙舟响当当,好事成双双,祝端午安康,朋友需要多联系,节日才会更美丽 。 Dragon Boat Festival Dumplings fragrance, Dragon Boat resounding, good things into double, I wish Dragon Boat Festival well-being, friends need more contact, the festival will be more beautiful.2.不是每一颗粽子,都有家的味道 。 Not every zongzi has the taste of home.3.咸蛋黄遇到白糯米,幸运的我遇到最好的你!Salted egg yolk meets white glutinous riceFortunately, I met the best of you!


2020年秒赞的端午节文案:温暖四溢,必须收藏!4.粽子口味虽多,但思念只有一种 。 Zongzi has many tastes, but there is only one missing.5.无论甜咸,团圆是最好的馅 。 Whether it's sweet or salty, reunion is the best filling.6.知道我最钟意什么吗?我最“粽”意你!Do you know what I like best? I most "Zong" meaning you!


2020年秒赞的端午节文案:温暖四溢,必须收藏!7.糯米等到粽叶的怀抱,而我等到了你!Glutinous rice waits for the embrace of Zongye, and I wait for you!8.世间纵有千百好,唯有你最“粽”要 。 Even if there are thousands of good things in the world, you are the only one who wants "zongzi".9.谁说我要吃它了,只是因为天气太热 。 我帮他脱掉外套而已 。 Who says I'm going to eat it, just because it's too hot. I just helped him take off his coat.


2020年秒赞的端午节文案:温暖四溢,必须收藏!10.粽叶再厚包裹不住思念,五彩绳再长也缠不住童年 。 No matter how thick the Zongye is, it can't hold the yearning. No matter how long the colorful rope is, it can't hold the childhood.11.人生百味,只“粽”意你这味 。 Life taste, only "Zong" means you.12.端午,美梦在悠扬,身边有安康 。 Dragon Boat Festival, the dream in melodious, there is well-being around.图文源自网络,侵权致歉感谢大家的阅读,这里是柒夜文案谢谢您的到来,记得评论点赞哟!可以的话加个关注(o^^o)
