宁撞金钟一下,不打破鼓三千 。
Better to hit the golden bell than to break the drum.
一动不如一静 。
Silence is better than movement.
万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分 。
Wisps of thousands of silk will not change, let him together with points
珍重芳姿尽掩门,自携手瓮灌苔盆 。
Take care of beauty and cover your door, from hand to hand urn moss basin.
青灯照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未温 。
Blue light on the wall of the first sleep, cold rain beat against the window and quilt not warm.
恰便似遮不住的青山隐隐,流不断的绿水悠悠 。
It seems to hide the faint green mountains, continuous green water leisurely.
多一事不如省一事 。
More of less than about
单丝不成线,独树不成林 。
A single thread does not make a thread. A single tree does not make a forest.
贪多嚼不烂 。
Bite off more than one can chew.
可怜辜负好韶光,于国于家无望 。
Poor live up to good time, there is no hope for the country or the family
吃不了 兜着走 。
You can’t get away with it.
一个阆苑仙葩,一个美玉无瑕 。
One is an immortal flower, the other is pure jade.
见怪不怪,其怪自败 。
See the strange, its strange defeat.
金子终得金子换 。
True gold will find its price.
三日不弹,手生荆棘 。
No play, hand thorns.
One man desperately, ten thousand men do not do.
墙倒众人推 。
The wall fell and everyone pushed.
表壮不如里壮 。
It is better to look inside stronger than outside strong.
当着矮人,别说短话 。
Don’t be short in front of dwarves.
咽不下玉粒金莼噎满喉,照不见菱花镜里形容瘦 。
Can’t swallow jade grain and gold choke full throat. Thin in a diamond mirror.
昨日黄土陇头送白骨,今宵红灯帐底卧鸳鸯 。
Yesterday loess longtou send bone, tonight red light tent bottom lie yuan yang.
飘泊亦如人命薄,空缱绻,说风流 。
Drifting also such as life thin, empty tired, said romantic.
金满箱,银滿箱,展眼乞丐人皆谤 。
A box full of gold, a box full of sliver, beggars with open eyes slander.
痴心父母古来多,孝顺儿孙谁见了 。
There were many infatuated parents, filial children and grandchildren who see?
行为偏僻性乖张,那管世人诽谤 。
Eccentric behaviour, that tube world slander.
气质美如兰,才华馥比仙 。
Temperament as beautiful as blue, talent is better than talent.
贵人多忘事 。
Great wits have short memories.
井水不犯河水 。
Well waters offend no waters.
偷的锣儿敲不响 。
You can’t strike a stolen gong.
女大十八变 。
A woman has changed eighteen times.
眼不见心不烦 。
Out of sight, out of mind.
忽喇喇似大厦倾,昏惨惨似灯将尽 。
Flaring like a building will down, faint like a lamp will gone.
罗衾不奈秋风力,残漏声催秋雨急 。
The quilt is not resistant to autumn wind, the sound of the autumn rain is urgent.
Full paper of self pity, who solution autumn heart ?
博得嫦娥应借问,缘何不使永团圆 。
Chang’e should ask why not make a permanent reunion.
How many times with the passing water?
展不开的眉头,挨不明的更漏 。
Can not open the brow, get unknown more leak.
正叹他人命不长,那知自己归来丧 。

Is sighing his life is not long, who knows myself return to loss.
千金难买一笑 。
A thousand taels of gold won’t purchase a*** ile.
没家亲引不出外鬼来 。
You can’t draw a ghost out of a family.
Be sympathetic.
拼得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马 。
Together with a strong, dare to bring down the emperor.
癞狗扶不上墙 。
A healing dog can not stand on a wall.
蛛丝儿结满雕梁,绿纱今又糊在蓬窗上 。
Spider silk knot full caved beam, green gauze now paste in the light of the window.
寄言纨絝与膏梁,莫效此儿形状 。
Send words to the foppish and paste beam, do not like the son shape.
A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
欲偿白帝且清洁,不语婷婷日又昏 。
The white Emperor wants to clean himself, not language tingting day and faint.
明媚鲜妍能几时,一朝漂泊难寻觅 。
How long will the beauty be? Once adrift, never found.
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