高中英语试卷讲评教案一等奖 高中英语试卷讲评教案5篇( 三 )

①I was so tired that I could hardly keep myself awake.
②I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
③Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
④They kept us out.
⑤Once a cold kept him in bed for three days.
25.take an interest in 对……感兴趣
have an interest in 对……感兴趣
lose interest in 对……失去兴趣
①He has a great interest in stamp-collecting.
②I lost my interest in history.
③His father took no interest in him.
26.pay for 付……的货款,为……付代价
pay off 全部还清,偿请(借款)
①Did you pay 300 yuan to him for that bicycle?
②I have just paid off my loan from the bank.
③You’ll have to pay for your mistakes.
27.suffer v.受苦,遭受 。
①She suffered greatly as a child.
②He suffered the loss of a leg during the war.
③She suffers from stomach-aches.
28.break out(战争、火灾、疾病、瘟疫等的)爆发
①The American Civil War broke out in 1861.
②Fire broke out in the neighbour last night.
break out in (into)…忽然(做出)……
break out in laughter突然放声大笑
break in (强盗等)强行闯入
break into闯入;打碎(打破)成……
break up 分开,分割
29.take…by surprise对……突然袭击,出乎……意料 。
His parents took him quite by surprise when they suddenly appeared at the door.
30.in charge of prep.担任……,管理……,负责
in the charge of a personin a person’s charge由(某人)照料(管理)
take charge of 担任……,接管 。
My father is in charge of this company.
31.set sail 扬帆启航
The ship set sail for Europe.
32.head south向南行
head vi.向……前进,朝某方面行进 。后面接for,forward的介词短语,或表示方向的副词east,eastward等 。
①Where are we heading?
②Those ships are heading for HongKong.
bring in 引入;增加 hand in hand 并进;联合
try out 试验 think up 想出
at the last moment 在最后一刻 get rid of 处理;去掉
break up分解;腐蚀 break down出毛病;不运转;分解
at one time(以前)有过一段时期
a mountain of/mountains of (一)大堆;大量的
shut down (放下)关上;关闭(企业等)
(1)Since production in creases,the price can be reduced.
(2)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertise
(3)There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years.
(4)No matter how much you want to bathe(in the sea),it just isn’t safe.
(5)I suppose it is better to be safe than sick.
(6)It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers.
(1)复习过去分词 。
(2)复习第一至第五单元出现过的重点语法项目 。
1.I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)
“我想,干某事是个好主意”(是委婉地提出建议的交际英语) 。
A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.
B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning exercises.
2.Do you think so?
think等及It appear…,It seems和I’m afraid连用 。
“Will they go to see him?”
“I believe so.(I believe[that]they will go to see him.)”
②表示否定时,用not代替so,但在believe,suppose,think等动词之后,如I don’t think(believe,suppose)so等,通常仍可与so连用 。
③不能和表示确信、疑问的词语连用 。
I doubt about it.(√)
I doubt so.(×)
3.agree with同意……,(气候,食物等)适合于某人;和……相一致(常用于否定句) 。
The climate here doesn’t agree with me.
agree to …赞成……
agree on 就……取得一致意见或看法
4.persuade sb.to do sth.
persuade sb.into doing sth.
try to persuade sb.to do sth.
advise sb.to do sth
①We try to persuade him to stop smoking,but he still smokes now.
②He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.
n.Persuade sb.out of 说明(人)停止,劝阻
His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.
5.express one’s satisfaction with对……表示满意
be satisfied with对……感到满意
The officials expressed their satisfaction with the preparation for the exhibition.
