高中英语试卷讲评教案一等奖 高中英语试卷讲评教案5篇

编写教案的繁简,一般是有经验的教师写得简略些,而新教师写得详细些 。原定教案,在上课进程中可根据具体情况做适当的必要的调整,课后随时记录教学效果,进行简要的自我分析,有助于积累教学经验,不断提高教学质量 。以下是小编带来的高中英语试卷讲评教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!
willing ,devote,cure,disadvantage,shock,institute,admire,debt,expedition,
merchant, exist,chart,botany,disaster,crew.
devote…to 把……用在;把……献给
succeed in (干)……成功

give off 发出(光、热等)
in honour of 为了纪念……;为向……表示敬意
above all 首先;首要
set off 使爆炸;引起;出发
pay off 偿清(欠款等)
at sea 在大海上;在航海
take…by surprise 使……吃惊;出奇兵攻占
in charge of 主管;负责

set out 出发;开始
in search of 寻找
(1)I’m (not)sure… I’m not sure whether/if…
(2)I doubt if/whether…
(3)Making a map of the east coast was an important job.
(4)The men often fall ill and suffer fever.
(5)They will provide us with eggs and meat.
(1)I doubt if he’ll be asked to speak again next year.
(2)Perhaps I’ll go to that one.

(3)Maybe it was useful for some people.
(4)How did you find the talk this morning?
(5)I shall insist on leaving at 7 a.m.sharp.
(6)We’ve decided to do sth./that…
(7)Have you decided which boat to take?
(8)I suggest doing sth.
1.have something(nothing,much,little)to do with与……有(没有,有很大,有一点)关系 。
①I have nothing to do with that young man.
②His job has something to do with telephones.
③This has little to do with what we are talking about.
④Do you have anything to do with that club?
2.doubt v.& n.怀疑,不相信
doubt 从句在否定句及疑问句中多跟that
whether(if)引起的从句 。
①I doubt the truth of this report.
②They have never doubted of success.
③I don’t doubt that you are honest.
④Can you doubt that he will win?
⑤I doubt if that was what he wanted.
beyond(all)doubt毫无疑问;in doubt怀疑,犹豫,不肯定;no doubt肯定地,想必;without doubt毫无疑问,一定地
①The truth of the story is beyond doubt.
②I was in doubt about what to do.
③No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture.
④Without doubt these theories were all wrong.
3.How do (did )you find…?(你觉得/认为……怎么样?)是征求对方对某人、某事的看法或意见的用语 。回答时在find 后要跟复合宾语 。
How did you find the dishes?
(I found them)Tasteless.
How do you find Peter Gray?
I found him dishonest.
4.admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./sth.to enter)
He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.
②承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构 。
I admit my fault.She admitted having read the letter.He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.
5.be remembered as…作为……而被人们怀念
He will always be remembered as a national hero.
6. ( be)determined to do sth.下定决心做……
determine to do sth.决定(心)做……
①I was determined not to follow their advice.
②I left him,determined never to set foot in that house again.
③She determined to go that very afternoon.
7.certain某(些),仅作形容词用法 。
①He didn’t come for a certain reason.
②A certain person called on me yesterday.
③She will do it on certain conditions.
some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词
①He is living at some place in East Africa.
②I’ve read that story before in some book of other.
8.succeed in sth.(doing sth.)(干……)成功,其反义词组;fail in sth.(doing sth.)或fail to do sth.;名词success;形容词successful
9.give off,放出(光、烟、气味等)、散发,
give out,放出,发出(声音,光线,气味等),(食物、燃料、力量等)用尽、筋疲力尽 。
①These red roses give off a sweet smell.
②This device gives out flashes of light in the fog.
③Both my strength and money gave out.
10.in honour of sb.(sth.) 为了纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动 。
①A memorial meeting was held in his honour.
