delicious的名词形式 delicious的反义词( 三 )

我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份 。
8. taste
1)taste做行为动词时,既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词,意为“吃,品尝,喝,”等 。
I can taste something sour. 我尝到了酸味 。(及物动词)
Sometimes when you are ill, you can't taste properly. (不及物动词)
有时生病时吃什么都没有滋味 。
2)taste做连系动词时,后面跟名词或者形容词作表语,构成主系表结构;意为“吃起来,尝起来” 。例如:
The soup tastes good. 这汤的味道不错 。
The pizza tastes delicious. 比萨饼很好吃 。
3)taste 还可以作名词,意为“味道,味觉,品味”等 。
I like the taste of wine. 我喜欢葡萄酒的味道 。
She has excellent taste in dress. 她在服装方面有极高的品味 。
9. life
life 名词,既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词 。作“生活”讲时,是不可数名词;作“生命”讲时是可数名词,其复数是“lives” 。
Life is like a journey. 生活像一次旅行 。(不可数)
Three people lost their lives in the accident. 事故中三人丧生 。(可数)
live a … life 过……的日子
lose one’s life 丧生
save one’s life 救……的命
give one’s life 献身
come (back) to life 复活
10. usually
1)usually是频度副词,意为“通常”,常位于系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前,在句子中作状语; 但有时也可以放在句首修饰整个句子 。
I usually go to school at seven o’clock.
我通常七点去上学 。
It is usually in the morning that she sees her patients.
她通常在上午看望病人 。
Usually, I get up early. 通常, 我起得很早 。
2)usually的形容词是usual,意为“通常的,平常的” 。常用于词组as usual,意为“像平常一样” 。它的反义词是unusual,意为“罕有的,不同寻常的” 。
She goes to work as usual. 她像平常一样去上班了 。
It was an unusual day for summer. 这是夏季少有的一天 。
11. brush
1)brush 作动词,意为“刷,擦”,三单形式是brushes 。常用于以下短语中:brush one’s teeth / shoes / hair 刷牙/擦鞋/ 梳头 。
Please brush your shoes. 请把你的鞋擦一下 。
I brush my teeth every day. 我每天都刷牙 。
2)brush 作名词,意为“刷子,画笔,毛笔”,是可数名词,其复数是brushes 。
I can paint a picture with a brush. 我可以用刷子画画 。
We gave him paint and brushes. 我们给了他油漆和几把刷子 。
12. tooth
tooth 名词,意为“牙齿”,可数名词 。其复数形式是特殊变化teeth 。
The dentist took out two of my teeth. 牙医拔掉了我两颗牙 。
1)一些名词的复数是不规则变化的 。
例如:foot → feet(脚) child → children(孩子)
man→men (男人)woman→ women(女人)
mouse → mice(老鼠)
2)还有一些名词的单复数是一样的 。
例如:sheep→sheep(绵羊) deer→deer(鹿)
3)还有些名词是 *** 名词,本身就是复数的概念,不需要再变复数 。
例如:cattle 牛 people 人,人们 police 警察
Ⅰ. 用适当的词填空,补全下面的短文 。
I usually 1 (起床)at six o’clock. I have milk and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, I 2 (洗澡)and then I 3 (上学)by bus. I get to school at a quarter to eight. I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at twelve o’clock. In the afternoon I have two classes. I4 (回家)at half past four. I get home at 5:00. I 5 (吃晚饭)at about 6:00. After dinner, I 6 (做作业). I7 (睡觉)at 8:00. My life is busy but not exciting.
Ⅱ. 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,写出正确的单词 。
1.Today I want to t_____ a shower.
2. Sally finds a new job and she goes to w_____ at seven o’clock every day.
3. What a f______ time to eat fruit after dinner.
4. The soup t______ delicious.
5. Please help the children to get d______; I’m too busy now.
6. They often do morning e________ at school.
7. You can find a good j______ if(如果) you study hard now.
8. The police saved two people’s l______ in the accident.
9. I usually go to school at a q______ past seven.
10. It’s 5 p.m.. Some students don’t want to go h______. They play basketball on the playground.
