Chaoshan folk tale "Liu Dong Lantern" the origin of
Lao Dong Lantern - know I know, which means do not ask self-evident, sentence twisters spread Chaozhou-Shantou area, ran and how is it source it?
According to legend, folklore during New Year Spring Festival, ancestral hall entrance hall lantern should be suspended. Should be written on lanterns on the family name, official name, and there were Yiu-joa-hyun was intended.
Liu Ming-year period there is a regular contacts with the county seat East Village Li boat big time, villagers were often entrusted his lantern to the county seat to buy. On one occasion, the ship big and care by the villagers, to the south is about to write a lantern lantern shop, and shop off main greeting, the shop owners asked: "Big ships, that lantern to write what?" Big ships that Lee is an old regular customers, they have just said: "The United Jie Jiao, know know." shop owners know that large ships can not read another honest, good tease. Deliberately lantern - while the words "United Jie Jiao," while the original family name was written, "Lee House" side, deliberately written as "knowledge know" word. Write complete, people on the boat hand-held lanterns, hurry hurry. Pedestrian streets to see the lanterns words, find it strange, there is the curious stepped forward to ask: "an Uncle, I Where Your House?" Li boat big response, said: "Lao Village." After the boat They said Zhigu hurry, while the "Lao Dong Lantern - know know" will immediately spread to the streets.
Large boat to the village, the village met with lanterns words, very angry, I feel degrading ancestors. The same day, the village to the town gentry Society questioned shop owners, shop owners argue, we quarrel. Then was referred to the County Yamen to the county Grand Master with lantern lantern shop owners to write without a family name, by the intention to insult people, so that shop owners gallop please play a studio, performing in the city, and sent to the Laos Jinhua Red Silk Village an apology, matter be considered closed. But played a show, know that things were even more numerous, and have been circulated to the public as an anecdote. Therefore, "Lao Dong Lantern 11 know know" has become a popular area of Jieyang County, a tag line. 潮汕民间故事·“寮东灯笼”的由来寮东灯笼——知知,意即不问自明,这句歇后语传遍潮汕地区,然它是怎样出处的呢?
相传民俗每逢新年春节,祖祠厅堂门口都要悬吊灯笼 。灯笼上要写着姓氏、官职名,有炫宗耀祖之意 。
明朝年间寮东村有一个常来往县城的李船大,当时,村民需要灯笼者常托他至县城购买 。有一次,船大又受村民所托,到城南一家灯笼铺约写灯笼,与铺主打过招呼后,铺主问道:“船大,那灯笼写什么呢?”李船大认为已是老主顾了,便只是说:“联捷焦士、知知 。”铺主知船大不识字又老实,好戏弄 。故意把灯笼—边写着“联捷焦士”,而把原来写着姓氏“李府”那一边,故意写为“知知”二字 。写毕,船人手提灯笼,匆匆赶路 。街道行人见到灯笼字,觉得奇怪,有好奇者上前问道:“某阿叔,俺贵府何处?”李船大应答说:“寮东村 。”船大说后只顾赶路,而“寮东灯笼——知知”立即便在街头巷尾传开了 。
船大到村里,村见了灯笼字,十分气愤,觉得有辱祖宗 。当天,村里的绅耆至县城责问铺主,铺主据理力争,便吵闹起来 。后来闹到了县衙去,县太爷以灯笼铺主把灯笼乱写姓氏,有意辱人为由,令铺主骋请戏一棚,在城里演出,并送金花红绸向寮东村赔理道歉,事情才算了结 。但因演了一场戏,知道这事的人就更多了,且被当成趣闻流传于众 。故“寮东灯笼一一知知”,成为揭阳县一带流行的一句歇后语 。
这月15点灯笼,这个预示今年过的会很好 。
十个字概括灯笼来历:起源西汉朝,象征着吉祥 。
元宵节打灯笼的习俗始于东汉时期,东汉明帝刘庄提倡佛教,听说佛教有正月十五僧人观佛舍利、点灯敬佛的做法,就命令这一天夜晚在皇宫和寺庙里点灯敬佛,令士族庶民都挂灯 。以后这种佛教礼仪节日逐渐形成民间盛大的节日 。该节经历了由宫廷到民间,由中原到全国的发展过程 。唐开元年间,为了庆祝国泰民安,人们扎结花灯,借着闪烁不定的灯光,象征“彩龙兆祥,民阜国强”,花灯风气从此广为流行 。
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