aches是什么意思 across是什么意思

英语介词不许独立运用,必需带上宾语形成介词短语,或附丽在不迭物动词反面运用 。英语不迭物动词不许径直带宾语,必需加上符合的介词本领带宾语 。介词短语不妨在句子中充任状语,定语,宾语和宾语补语 。一.介词at/ in /on 表白功夫,做功夫状语 1).表白某一简直功夫点,某一功夫/ 年纪
at six o’clock六点钟 at noon 午时at that time其时 at the moment 那一刻at the age of在……岁时 at night 黄昏
2)in表白功夫段,一天的三个功夫段以及月份,年,时节,世纪,人生的某个功夫(或人几十岁时)in the morning早晨/ in afternoon 下昼/in evening 黄昏in spring 春天/in /in March 仲夏,in the twenty-first century 二十一生纪,in his fifties五十几岁
On Monday evening礼拜一黄昏on a rainy night 一个降雨的晚上on the morning of April 1st ,2018,2018年4月1日早晨
二、表场所,做场所状语 1)at 普遍指较小的场所或较简直的场所at the station在车站 at the cinema 在影戏院

aches是什么意思  across是什么意思

2)in 表白在较大的场所或一个有限空间里.in China在华夏 in the classroom 在讲堂里
3)on 指在某物体的外表上.on the desk在台子上
三.介词in /on / to 表方位的辨别 1.in表白A地在B地范畴之内.(包括联系)
Taiwan is ____ the southeast of China .(in)
Hubei is ____ the north of Hunan .(on)
Japan is _____ the east of China .(to)
四. between 与among 的辨别 1.between :指两者之间. 在…….之间.
2.among :用来三者或三者之上人或物之间. 在……之中.
You sit _____ him and me .(between)
The song is popular ______ the students.(among)
五.after与in 的辨别 1)after + 功夫段. 表白以往日某一功夫为开始的一段功夫之后, 用来往日时.
2)after 作介词. after doing sth
3).in +一段功夫. 表白谈话时或以此刻为开始的未来一段功夫之后.用来未来时.
He came back ______ two days .(after)
He will go home___finishing his homework .(after)
He will come back _____ two days .(in)
六.with 、 in 与 by 的辨别 1.with 表白 “用…” 普遍指无形的东西 / 本领 / 人体器官.
He cut the apple into halves ____ a knife .(with)
He came in _____ a big*** ile on his face .(with)
2.in表白用那种谈话,办法,道路. 或抄写/美术所用的资料. 也可表交通办法.
Can you say it _____English ?(in)
He wrote a letter ____ blue ink .(in)
3.by表白乘坐交通东西, 表白办法,本领
I study for a test _____ working with a group .(by)
He makes a living ____ selling newspapers .(by)
七.across 、through 、 over 、by 的辨别 1.across 指横穿,穿过. 表白举措从某一物体外表上过程.
2.through 指穿过,透过,表白从某一物体空间内经过.
3.over 表白从或人或某物的上空过程或穿过,不与外表交战. 表白从或人/某物的左右过程.
Can you swim ______ the river ?(across)
The elephant is so big that it can’t go _____ the gate .(through)
I don’t think anyone can jump ___ the fence.(over)
I walked _____ the bank of China yesterday .(by)
八.in front of / in the front of 的辨别 the front of 表白在…….里面的前方 front of 表白在……表面的前方
There is a desk in the front of our classroom .
There is a big tree in front of our classroom.
1).表白 “从事或正在做某事”,后来加的动词常常不加冠词.
She is at work now = She is working now .
2)at表白 “价钱或速率”
The train ran at 120 kilometres an hour .
1)in表白 “在……上面” ,短语:do well in = be good at ,be weak in
2)in 表白 “衣着”后接表脸色的词或衣物.
短语: be in +衣物 = be wearing +衣物
3)in作副词, “在教” = at home 的用法:
1).像/和……一律. 常与系动词连用. 短语: look like sound like
2).与what 连用, “是什么格式, 还好吗”.
What is he like ? He is kind .
1).从……下来, 摆脱某物体.短语: fall off
