外贸合同正规模板 外贸合同模板怎么写( 四 )

For the following products with quality problem meeting the regulations of warranty (replacement) principal, Party A shall only provide reworking service (without replacement):
1) 为用户特殊定做的大功率(非常规)型号产品 。
Large power (unconventional) products specially produced for users.
2) 用户购机安装三个月后,发生质量问题,且可以进行修复的产品 。
The products with a quality problem that may be recovered three months later since installation.
3) 购机安装三个月内发生质量问题但可以修复的产品,经与客户沟通并征得客户同意,允许进行产品返修的 。
The products with a quality problem that may be recovered within three months since installation but with the approval of the users for reworking.
第十一条价格调整及利益保障条款Price Adjustment and Benefit Assurance
To fully ensure the benefit of the distributors, where Party A makes the price adjustment, Party A shall strictly abide by the following promise:
1、 甲方保证产品价格体系正式调整前七个工作日将价格调整信息通知代理商 。
Within seven (7) working days before the formal adjustment of the price system, Party A shall notify the distribution of the relevant adjustment price information.
2、 对于甲方进行产品价格体系调整前(以甲方正式执行调整后的新价格体系日期为准)已经发生采购的行为,甲方不负责进行差价补偿 。
Party A shall not be responsible for the price difference compensation for the purchase activity that occurred before the price adjustment.
【外贸合同正规模板 外贸合同模板怎么写】第十二条 双方其他权利与义务Other Rights and Obligations
1、 甲方的权利Rights of Party A
1.1 有建议和指导乙方实施甲方制订的市场营销方案的权利;
Party A shall have the right to direct Party B to execute the marketing plan designed by Party A;
1.2 有核定乙方特约经销区域及特约经销产品市场最低售价的权利;
Party A shall have the right to examine the specific distribution area and the lowest market price of the distributed products.
1.3 有审核、规范乙方进行产品广告宣传的权利;
Party A shall have the right to examine and standardize the advertisement activity of Party B;
2、 甲方的义务Obligations of Party A
2.1 在乙方完成首期采购任务后,向乙方出具代理商证书及证明,维护乙方作为代理商的正当合法权益 。
After Party B completes the purchase task of the first phase, Party A shall issue the agent license and certificate to maintain the legal right of Party B as a distributor.
2.2 向乙方提供产品销售时所需的营销、技术和广告宣传资料及相关的产品认证证书 。
Party A shall provide to Party B the marketing, technology and advertising data and relevant production certificate required for the sales of the products.
2.3 乙方在本合同第二条约定区域范围内进行其代理经销产品的市场开拓与销售工作时,为乙方提供必要的市场指导、技术支持、培训支持等相关配套服务 。
When Party B conducts the marketing exploitation and sales of the products in the area as specified in article two of this contract, Party A shall provide necessary relevant supporting services such as market guidance, technical support, and training support for Party B.
2.4 向乙方按时、按质、按量提供包装完整的合格产品;
Party A shall supply the well-packed qualified products to Party B on schedule by quality and quantity.
2.5 协助乙方做好货物托运及调换工作;
Party A shall render assistance to Party B to make goods consignment and replacement.
2.6 采取有效措施调节和规范市场秩序;
Party A shall take effective measures to adjust and standardize the market order.
2.7 严守乙方的商业机密 。
Party A shall not disclose the commercial secrete to any other third party.
3、 乙方的权利Rights of Party B
3.1 享有本合同第二条约定的特约经销产品在产品特约区域的经销权;
Party B shall have the right to enjoy the distribution right of the specified products in the area as specified in Article two of this contract.
3.2 享有按《OA电能科技2004年度市场营销方案》享受一切奖励条款规定的权利;
Party B shall have the right to enjoy all the rights as specified in the rewarding clause according to the 2004 Marketing Plan of GUANGZHOU OA TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED.
4、 乙方的义务Obligations of Party B
4.1 应向甲方提供营业执照等合法有效的经营证件,并严格遵守国家有关法律法规及行业规范,进行守法经营;
