外贸合同正规模板 外贸合同模板怎么写( 六 )

This contract may be terminated with the written consent of both parties.
4. 乙方在合同规定时间内,未完成首期采购任务,本合同即无效
Party B fails to complete the Purchase Task of the First Phase, the contract shall be deemed as invalid.
第十四条 保密条款Confidentiality
缔约双方在合同有效期间对其从另一方获得的、与另一方活动有关的所有被认为是机密的信息进行保密,不向任何人、商号和公司透露,(正确行使本合同规定的责任时除外) 。
The parties hereto undertake one to the other to keep confidential at all times during the continuance of this agreement all information acquired by them in connection with the activities of the other party and which may reasonably be regarded as private, secret, confidential in nature and (except in proper performance to their obligation herein under) not to divulge the same to any person, firm or company
第十五条 违约责任Liabilities for Breach
甲、乙双方均应按本合同的约定履行义务,任何一方违反本合同约定,则守约方有权要求违约方支付人民币 万元的违约金给守约方,并赔偿守约方因此造成的全部经济损失 。
Both Parties shall implement the obligations as specified in this contract. Where either Party violates the regulations under this contract, it shall pay RMB ______ to the other party and shall bear all the economic losses caused thereof.
第十六条 不可抗力Force Majeure
任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同时,应在不可抗力事件结束后_______日内向对方通报,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,在取得有关机构的不可抗力证明后,允许延期履行、部分履行或者不履行合同,并根据情况可部分或全部免予承担违约责任 。
Where either Party fails to implement this contract for the reason of force majeure, it shall notify the other party immediately within ___ days after the end of the force majeure to reduce the losses sustained by the other party, after obtaining the certificate of the unexpected accident issued by the competent authorities, bear part or none of the liabilities for breach according to the conditions. According to the certificate, both parties determine to implement this contract in delay, in part or terminate this contract.
第十七条 争议解决Dispute Resolution
凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,如双方不能通过友好协商解决,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会,按照申请仲裁时该会实行的仲裁规则进行仲裁 。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力 。
All disputes, controversies, claims, or differences arising between the parties hereto in connection with or relating to this Agreement or its validity, existence, termination or breach shall be settled through friendly consultation between both parties hereto. Where the disputes cannot be settled through friendly negotiations, it shall be referred to and finally settled by final and binding arbitration by the Shenzhen Branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission.

外贸合同正规模板 外贸合同模板怎么写


第十八条 其它事项Miscellaneous
1. 按本合同规定应付的违约金、赔偿金、保管保养费和各种经济损失,应当在明确责任后____日内,按银行规定的结算办法付清,否则按逾期付款处理 。
The penalty, compensations, storage expenses, and various economic losses as specified in this contract shall be paid within ___ days after the confirmation of the responsibilities by the settlement method specified by the bank, otherwise, it shall be deemed as arrear payment.
2. 约定的违约金,视为违约的损失赔偿 。双方没有约定违约金或预先赔偿额的计算方法的,损失赔偿额应当相当于违约所造成的损失,包括合同履行后可获得的利益,但不得超过违反合同一方订立合同时应当预见到的因违反合同可能造成的损失 。
The penalty specified in this contract is deemed as the compensations for losses. Where both parties do not specify the computation method for the penalty or advance compensation amount, the compensation amount for losses shall be equal to the losses caused by the breach of the contract, including the benefit after the implementation of this contract, but not exceeding the predicted losses caused by the breach of this contract when the party in breach signs this contract.
3. 本合同自甲方交付成约定金之日起生效,期限为_年 。合同有效期内,除非经过对方同意,或者另有法定理由,任何一方不得变更或解除合同 。合同到期后,缔约双方在双方同意的情况下可以续订有效期可仍为五年或重新确定 。
This contract shall become effective upon the date on which Party A pay the contract guarantee fund, the term of validity is __ one year. During the term of validity of this contract, unless the other party consents or has other legal reason, either party shall not modify or terminate this contract. The parties hereto shall have the option to renew this agreement at the expiration of the initial five (5) years period on the same terms or on fresh mutually agreed terms as the parties hereto may decide.
