外贸合同正规模板 外贸合同模板怎么写( 五 )

Party B shall provide the legal and valid business license to Party A and strictly abide by the industry standard and relevant laws and regulations of the country, and operate under the laws.
4.2 自觉维护甲方及其产品的形象和声誉,在甲方指导下处理好特约经销区域内产品终端用户的投诉与相关服务请求,并做好有关部门监督检查的配合工作;
Party B shall maintain the image and reputation of Party A and its products. With the guidance of Party A, Party B shall make good settlement of the complaint and relevant service application of the final users in the distribution area, and render good coordination to the relevant department for supervision and inspection.
4.3 严格遵守甲方《OA电能科技2004年度市场营销方案》中关于市场营销秩序维护及经销商行为约束方面的相关规定;
Party B shall strictly abide by the relevant regulations with respect to the market order maintenance and binding on the activity of the distributors as specified in the 2004 Marketing Plan of GUANGZHOU OA TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED.
4.4 不得擅自生产、伪造甲方之产品,并要协助甲方做好保护甲方专利、商标等知识产权的工作;严守甲方的商业秘密;
Party B shall not produce, counterfeit the products of Party A; Party B shall render assistance to protect the intellectual property such as patent and trademark of Party A. Party B shall not disclose the commercial secrete to any other third party.
4.5 乙方必须安装专用的通讯设备,保持与甲方的持续沟通,及时反馈各种市场营销信息;
Party B shall install special communication equipment to maintain good contact with Party A and feedback on various marketing information on time.
4.6 乙方印制各种针对甲方的宣传资料前必须呈甲方审核,并经甲方书面许可后方能发布;
Party B shall submit all the advertising data involving Party A to Party A for examination and approval, and the advertising data shall only be issued with the approval of Party A.
4.7 遵守甲方颁布的年度营销方案、客户服务方案,并积极支持配合甲方组织的各项活动;
Party B shall abide by the annual marketing plan, client service plan and render active assistance to Party A to organize various activities.
4.8 不得以甲方名义与第三人签订经济合同或从事其他民事行为,甲方亦无须为乙方与任何第三人发生的经济或民事纠纷承担法律责任 。
Party B shall not transact business or other civil deeds with any other third person or party in the name of Party A. Party A shall not bear any legal responsibility for the economic or civil dispute between Party B and any other third person or party.
第十三条 合同修改、终止Modification and Termination of Contract
1. 本合同的修改必须经双方协商一致,并形成书面材料(合同变更简约),经双方签字盖章后生效;
The modification of this contract shall be agreed by both parties to this contract. The modification shall be formed into written form (Contract Modification Agreement) and signed and approved by both parties.
2. 发生下列任何一种情况时,宣称此种情况存在的一方(申诉方)应书面通知另一方 。如果收到上述通知的一方未在收到通知后30天内(本合同特别约定除外)纠正、补救或消除这种情况,则申诉方有权书面通知另一方解除本合同并立即生效 。在上述30天期限内,双方仍应继续履行其在合同项下的义务 。
Where the following events occur, the parties concerned shall notify the other party of the relevant matter. Where, within thirty (30) days (except the contract specified in particular) after the receipt of the notice, the other party fails to measures to correct, remedy or eliminate these events, the parties concerned may terminate this contract with written notice. Within the thirty (30) days mentioned above, both parties shall continuously execute the obligations under this contract.
2.1 一方严重违反合同及合同相关附件之约定;
Either Party to this contract violates the regulations as specified in the contract and relevant appendixes.
2.2 一方破产或进入清算程序(无论是强制性或自愿性);
Either Party hereto is in bankruptcy or in the liquidation procedure (mandatory or voluntariness).
2.3 出现不可抗拒力的情况,以至任何一方无法履行其在合同项下的主要义务;
Either Party hereto can not implement the main obligations under this contract for force majeure;
2.4 一方在公众场所、传媒等攻击另一方的形象和声誉,或自身公共形象严重败坏 。
Either Party attacks the image or reputation of the other party in public and through media or its own public image is damaged severely.
3. 经双方书面同意,可提前终止合同 。
