产品报价方案模板下载 产品报价方案模板( 二 )

Please help to understand our situation and back us.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Kerry Hu
1. take it for granted:坚定地认为……
2. surcharge:额外费用 。
3. 15 cents off:减少 15 美分 。
4. as maximum:这里表示“这就是更大的让步” 。
5. floor price:地板价 , 用来形容更低的价格、更好的价格 。
More Expressions
1. Please help to check with the buyer and give me reply soon.
请跟买手确认(价格) , 并尽快给我回复 。
2. Would you accept EUR3.50/pc as the final price?
您能接受每件3.5 欧元的最终价格吗?
3. We could offer you a special discount of 10% if the quantity reaches one 40 feet full container.
如果订单数量可以达到一个 40 英尺的整柜集装箱 , 我们可以给您一个10%的特别折扣 。
4. I have to re-check the price and see if we could meet your target.
我需要重新核算一下价格 , 看看能否达到您的目标价 。
5. We are desperate to get your price approval to proceed.
我们非常需要您的价格确认 , 从而(把这个项目)推进下去 。
【产品报价方案模板下载产品报价方案模板】Price Negotiating
价格拉锯中需要谈判双方控制自己的情绪和节奏 , 用一定的技巧去磨合 , 去寻找一个能让双方妥协让步的折中点 。
Dear Clair,
To be candid with you, we have no margin to reduce the pricing again.
I understand the price is awful important to win the order, but the quality counts for much more. We couldn’t debase our quality level to achieve your aim.
I’m sorry.
Having discussed with top management, we decide to proceed with below suggestions:
1. USD5.50/pc, with color box packaging, based on 10,000 pcs quantity.
2. USD5.20/pc, with neutral poly bag packaging, based on 10,000 pcs quantity.
3. 3% special discount will be provided when the quantity is up to 30,000 pcs.
Please help to consider and advise which option is better for you. We realize that you have to test your local market and retail price.
And we’re pleased to go ahead with a trial order in a*** all quantity to start our business. Maybe 5,000 to 8,000 pcs is workable for you to make a decision, with no price increase.
Kind regards,
Kerry Hu
1. margin:利润 。在商务英语中 , 大多用 margin 来替代 profit 。
2. awful important:非常重要 , awful 在这里做副词 , 相当于 very 。
3. debase quality level:降低品质 。
4. aim:目标 。
5. top management:更高管理层 。
More Expressions
1. Price is important, but quality counts for much more.
价格很重要 , 但品质更重要 。
2. It is not workable for us to place such a big order for the first time.
之一张订单我们没有办法把数量提那么高 。
3. We could place a trial order to test the market.
我们可以下一个试单来测试市场 。
4. Consumers could only pay for USD9.99 per piece as maximum for this item.
这个产品 , 消费者只会愿意在 9.99 美元单价以下考虑购买 。
5. 10% discount will be provided if you double the quantity.
如果您把数量加倍 , 我们可以给您 10% 的折扣 。
Final Price Confirmation
价格的确认是订单谈判的一个关键 , 必须得到客户的书面同意 , 这样才可以避免将来可能发生的纠纷 。
Dear Clair,
Very glad to hear that you confirmed the price USD5.20/pc. You are no doubt aware of the neutral poly bag packaging. I’m writing today to send you the PI for running this trial order with 7,500 pcs.
Please help to check the file with unit price, packaging, carton measurement, delivery time, payment term, and so on. If no additional questions, please help to sign back this PI.
As soon as we got your final confirmation, we will do pre-production samples for your evaluation.
Best regards,
Kerry Hu
1. You are no doubt aware of :你无疑知道……
2. PI :形式发票 , 是Proforma Invoice 的首字母缩写 。
3. payment term :付款方式 。
4. carton measurement :外箱资料 。
5. pre-production samples :产前样 , 很多时候也会简写成PP samples 。
More Expressions
1. We will arrange the production as long as we receive your email with approval.
只要收到您的确认邮件 , 我们就会安排生产 。
