
说英语的时候你有没有碰到过什么困难呢?有时候最困难的事情就是开始一段对话 。 不管是在正式、非正式、工作场合、学校或者其他场景 , 你都需要学习一些能够发起对话的英语表达 。
▂ ▃ ▄ 和同学聊天 ▄ ▃ ▂
在面对面打过招呼之后 , 你可以询问别人是学生喵还是上班族!你可以选择如下的方式:Do you work or are you a student?
如果对方是学生 , 可以选择如下的话题:
◆ Do you like your major(专业)?Why/Why not.
◆ What is the most interesting part of your study?
◆ Who plays a more important role in your study,the teachers or the classmates?
◆ Are there any public facilities near your university/school?
如果对方是上班族 , 可以进行如下对话:
◆ What job do you do?
◆ Have you received training before/during this job?
◆ Do you like your work?
如果对方表示不喜欢这个工作 , 你可以这样问:
◆ Which day of a week would you like to change,and how would you want to make a change?
◆ Why don't you like your job?
哲学 Philosophy
经济学 Economics
国际贸易学 International Trade
法学 Law
政治学 Political Science
社会学 Sociology
教育学 Education
心理学 Psychology
文学 Literature
新闻传播学 Journalism and Communication
艺术学 Art
历史学 History
理学 Natural Science
应用数学 Applied Mathematics
天文学 Astronomy
生物学 Biology
兽医学 Veterinary Medicine
基础医学 Basic Medicine
药学 Pharmaceutical Science
工商管理学 Science of Businesse Administration
会计学 Accounting
社会保障学 Social Security
土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management
▂ ▃ ▄ 和朋友聊天 ▄ ▃ ▂
With friends, you can use informal English expressions like these:
和朋友在一起的时候你就可以用一些非正式的英语表达 , 以下这些口头语可供参考:
◆ What’s up?
◆ How’s it going?
The correct answer to “What’s up?” is “Not much.” You can then add a detail about what’s happening in your life at the moment. If someone says “How’s it going?” you can answer “Good” or “Not so good” and then say why.
“What’s up?”的正确回答应该是“Not much” , 你还可以加上一点你生活中正在发生的事情以作补充 。 如果有人说“How’s it going?” , 你可以回答“Good” 或者 “Not so good”然后说说为什么 。
▂ ▃ ▄ 和同事聊天 ▄ ▃ ▂
在办公室里你就可以用一些稍微正式一点的英语表达方式 , 就像以下这些习惯用法:
◆ Hi, John. How are you doing?
◆ How’s your day going?
◆ We’re sure having a busy/slow day today.
◆ Have you heard the news about ________?
◆ (on Friday周五): Have you got any plans for the weekend?
◆ (on Monday周一): How was your weekend?
You can talk about projects you’re working on, or about hobbies you have outside work. Current national and international news is also a good topic of conversation.
你可以聊聊你正在从事的项目 , 或者工作以外的兴趣爱好 。 最近的国内、国际新闻也是适合聊天的好话题哦 。
◆ Hi Paula! How have you been?
◆ Long time no see!
◆ So, what have you been up to lately?
◆ How’s your family?
◆ Are you still working at ABC Company?
In this case, you can ask about news in your friend’s work, study, family, and hobbies. The friend will probably ask you about recent developments in your own life, too.
在这种情况下 , 你可以问问你的朋友事业、学业、家庭、兴趣爱好方面有没有什么新变化 。 与此同时 , 你的朋友也很可能会问问你最近生活的进展 。
