work|用英语搭讪,有完美的开场才能愉快聊天!( 二 )

◆ I don’t think we’ve met – I’m Shayna.
◆ Are you from New York?
◆ So, how do you know Mary?
◆ Have you tried the chocolate cake? It’s delicious!
If you’re at a party or wedding, you can start a conversation by asking how the person knows the host of the party (or the people getting married). You can also comment about the food and drinks, or about the music.
如果你在一个派对或者婚礼上 , 你可以问问对方是怎么认识派对的主人(或者举办婚礼的新人) , 以此开始对话 。 你也可以评论一下派对或婚礼上的食物、饮料或者音乐 。
◆ I don’t think we’ve met – I’m Shayna.
◆ So, where are you from?
◆ What did you think of the speaker?
◆ That was an excellent workshop – I learned a lot. How about you?
The expression “I don’t think we’ve met” can be used in professional situations too. You can ask about the person’s job, what company they are from, and their opinions about the conference events.
“I don’t think we’ve met”这种表达法既可以用于非正式场合 , 也可以用于正式场合 。 你可以问对方的工作情况 , 他们是哪个公司的 , 以及他们对会议内容的看法 。
◆ Nice to meet you!
◆ How do you two know each other?
◆ So, what do you do for a living? (= what is your job?)
◆ What are you studying?
◆ How long have you been (a journalist / doing yoga / interested in music)?
◆ How did you get into it?
Imagine you have a friend, Nora, who introduces you to her friend Ryan. You can ask about how they know each other, and about Ryan’s job. If Nora says Ryan is a student, you can ask about his area of study and what year of college he’s in. If Nora introduces Ryan as a journalist, or a friend from yoga class, or a musician, you can ask about how long he has done that activity, or how he first got interested in it. His answer will then provide material to continue the conversation.
想象一下你有个朋友Nora , 她把你介绍给了她的朋友Ryan 。 你可以问问他们是怎么认识的 , 也可以问问Ryan的工作 。 如果Nora说Ryan是个学生 , 你就可以问问他的专业和年级 。 如果Nora介绍Ryan是个采访人员、或者是从瑜伽班认识的朋友 , 或者是个音乐家 , 你就可以问问他干那行多久了 , 或者他为什么对这个感兴趣 。 他的答案也能给你提供展开对话的素材 。
◆ It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
◆ It looks like it’s going to rain/snow.
◆ Can you believe all this rain/snow we’ve been having?
◆ Sure is a hot/cold one today!
◆ Your dog is so cute! What’s his name?
If you’re in a park, on the street, etc., the most common way to start a conversation is by talking about the weather.
如果你在公园里、街上或者别的地方 , 要想打开话匣子 , 最通常的方式就是先聊聊天气 。
和陌生人搭话的秘诀是 , 就当前所处情景发表评论 。 下面有几个例子 , 教你什么场合说什么话:
◆ 美术馆
“That’s an interesting painting. What do you think of it?”
◆ 酒吧
“This is a great song – I love Latin music. How about you?”
【work|用英语搭讪,有完美的开场才能愉快聊天!】◆ 体育比赛现场
“Wow, that was a great play! So, who’s your favorite player?”
◆ 咖啡厅
“Boy, do I need a coffee!”
◆ 音乐会或者重大活动
“What a great turnout! Have you ever been here before?”
◆ 操场
“My kids are sure full of energy today!
As in the example of the cafe and playground, you don’t need to ask a direct question. You can simply make a comment to the other person, and this is like an invitation for the other person to comment, too. This can then begin a conversation.
