八年级上册英语第一单元测试题及答案人教版 八年级上册英语第一单元测试题及答案( 二 )

35. ---Mary was very angry with me. She asked me go to her house.
---If I were you, I would say sorry to her.
A. why didn’t I B. why wasn’t I C. why I didn’t D. why I wasn’t
36.---Where is my iPad mini, Lucy?
---I don’t know. Maybe took it.
A. no one B. anyone C. everyone D. someone
37. ---I’m now. I want to eat something.
---How come? You ate a hamburger just now!
A. lucky B. free C. full D. hungry
38. ---Is Mr. Green a ?
---Yes. If you need teeth cleaning, you can ask him for help.
A. policeman B. dentist C. waiter D. teacher
39. ---There is candy at home. I want to buy some.
---OK, but you must eat candy. Look at you. You are so fat!
A. less; little B. little; little C. little; less D. less; less
40. ---Do you like to go to Beijing or Shanghai for vacation?
--- . They are both wonderful.
A. Of course B. It’s hard to say C. Yes, I will D. You’re welcome
VI. 完形填空:先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 。共15小题,计15分 。
Do you remember the name of your kindergarten(幼儿园)teacher? I remember. Her name is Mrs. White.
I don’t remember much about what I 41 in her class, but my mother once told me that I used to(过去常常)write a lot. I would bring back 42 I wrote, and she would look through it and find many mistakes in it. However, there were 43 red corrections(改正). There was often a “star” and sometimes a “good”! It 44 my mother a lot. So one day she went to 45 Mrs. White why she never corrected my mistakes.
“ The children are just beginning to get 46 about using words.” Mrs. White said. “I don’t want to make them lose confidence(丧失自信心) 47 red corrections.”
Because of Mrs. White, I 48 worried about writing what I meant(意欲). Although I couldn’t write a 49 right, I grew up with confidence. I used to 50 “beautiful” wrong. I could never 51 that the “e” goes before the “a”. It made my teacher in high school very 52 . She asked me to use “pretty” when I was writing. I didn’t 53 her. I think “pretty” is 54 to spell, but it doesn’t 55 as much as we mean sometimes. For me, life isn’t “pretty”, but it’s “baeutiful”. Oh, I made the same mistake again! It’s “beautiful”.
41. A. wondered B. learned C. missed D. used
42. A. what B. why C. when D. any
43. some B. many C. no D. any
44. A. taught B. interested C. paid D. worried
45. A. tell B. ask C. show D. meet
46. A. popular B. surprised C. excited D. sorry
47. A. through B. in C. on D. about
48. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never
49. A. word B. diary C. letter D. passage
50. A. hear B. put C. make D. spell
51. A. wish B. think C. remember D. like
52. A. tired B. strict C. scared D. angry
53. A. listen to B. talk to C. shout to D. get to
54. A. fast B. easy C. good D. natural
55. A. follow B. have C. bring D. practice
第三部分: 阅读与写作(65分)
VII. 阅读理解:读A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案;读C篇短文,将其选项中的五个句子还原到短文当中 。共15小题,计30分 。
What did you do during the vacation?
I was happy at that time , because I had some time to clean my room and tune (调音) my old piano. I was just a little lazy and I didn’t study any English. I think it is only because it was vacation. One thing I missed was my swing dance classes. Anyway, I felt good because I relaxed during the vacation.
I went to a Japan town with my family to visit the Cherry Blossom Festival. We ate some delicious Japanese food. Also we saw a Japanese dance show there. It was a wonderful trip. I hope I can go there again,
During the vacation I did nothing special. I went online, played computer games, and called my friends in Hong Kong and talked with them. There is a terrible disease(疾病) in Hong Kong. I am quite worried about my friends these days.
My friend and I went to the park. It was a new park for me. Its name is Candlestick. It’s very far from my house. So we took a bus there. It took about an hour. We were there on Sunday. Lots of people were here. Some people were fishing. I saw a man catch a big fish. We had a good time in the park.
56. What did Mary think of her vacation?
A. Special. B. Tiring.
C. Full. D. Relaxing.
57. Jill did the following in Japan EXCEPT(除了) .
A. watching a dance show B. eating some Japanese food
C. having swing dance classes D. enjoying the cherry blossom
58. During the vacation, Alex .
A. got a terrible disease B. didn’t go out for a trip
C. talked with his friends online D. did something special
59. Lyudmila and her friend .
A. live near Candlestick
