英语模块整体教学 英语知识模块的教学方案( 二 )

T: You had the English test this week, many students did a good job in this test. X, you got 100 pionts, how do you feel?
(以谈话的形式导入单词happy的教学,多媒体出示笑脸图和单词happy,引导学生拼读单词,教师提问a字母和y字母在单词中的发音,领读单词 。)
T: If you failed the English test, you are ________.(sad)
教师出示哭脸的图片和单词sad,告诉学生a字母和happy中的a字母发音是相同的,让学生试着拼读单词 。(学生容易把a字母发成e,所以看似简单的单词,教师也要加以耐心地指导朗读和纠正发音)
T: If you failed the test, your parents are _________.(angry)
出示John踢球输了的图片,出示句子John is very angry, because he lost the football match. 让学生看情景图说句子,达到操练的新单词的目的 。
承接上面的情景,John is very angry, because he lost the football match, how about Zhang Peng? (情景图)导入单词excited.
出示句子:Zhang Peng is excited, because he won the football match.
让学生模仿说句子,操练单词 。
Guiding2:请同学们朗读并翻译19页Let’s Learn 中的两个句子,画出不会读或不会翻译的单词,两分钟后指名交流 。
以同样的方式教学单词tired和bored,同时教学句型How does Amy feel? She’s tired.在指导拼读单词时,让学生观察两个单词的相同之处:结尾三个字母都是red,这样的话学生对这两个单词的记忆就会更加深刻 。
Guiding2:请同学们朗读并翻译19页Let’s Learn 中的两个句子,画出不会读或不会翻译的单词,两分钟后指名交流 。
1.句型操练:How does …feel? He/She’s ….安排同桌两个人问答练习 。
2.Pair work.记忆大比拼 。(给学生30秒中,记住六个孩子的心情,然后教师问学生答 。)
3.总结以How 开头的疑问句,并对比How do you feel? How does Amy feel?两个句子的不同之处:人称和助动词的变化 。
Read and finish:
1.My dad is going on a trip without me.
I’m very _ _ _ _ _.
2. Chen Jie failed(不及格) the math test,
She’s very _ _ _.
3. Lucy clean the bedroom in the morning,
She’s_ _ _ _ _.
4.Mike is going to take a trip next week,
He’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
5. Sarah is _ _ _ _ _, because her mother
is going to buy a new dress for her.
Learning aims:
1.能听说读写6个重点单词:tired, angry, excited, happy; sad, bored;
2.能正确运用重点句子:How does Amy feel? She’s tired.
1. 能够理解对话大意,并回答对话下问题 。能按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 。
2. 能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型 How was your weekend? It was good. Did you do anything else? 提问并回答有关周末活动的安排 。
3. 能够在语境中理解生词drank的意思,并能正确发音 。
1. 重点:运用句型 How was your weekend? It was good. Did you do anything else? 提问并回答有关周末活动的安排 。
2. 难点:一般过去时动词词尾的规则变化 。
1. 师生相互问候 。
2. 教师利用头脑风暴活动激发学生的背景知识,复习相关的动词及动词词组 。教师请学生说出周末一般做什么,复习有关周末活动的词汇 。如果学生不能够说出很多单词或词组,教师可在课件上出示词组,引导学生描述自己周末一般做什么 。
1. 呈现重点句型
(1) 教师展示日历,请学生回忆上周末做了什么 。教师引导学生说出上周末的活动安排,并用一般过去时的句子转述,请学生感受使用一般过去时的语境 。师生对话示例如下:
T: How was your weekend? Busy? Happy? What did you do?
Ss: I do my homework.
T: Oh, you did your homework last weekend.
T: What else did you do?

(2) 教师说出自己上周末所做的事,并将句子呈现在课件上 。课件内容示例如下:
I was very busy last weekend.
I cleaned my room last Saturday morning.
I washed my clothes last Saturday afternoon.
I cooked a meal last Sunday evening.
I watched TV last Sunday evening.
教师在课件上呈现两组句子,引导学生认真观察,并尝试找出规律 。
What do you usually do on weekend? What did you dolast weekend?
I clean my room. I cleaned my room last Saturday.
