目标导向英语 目标导向式的英语教案( 二 )

1. 重点:5个表示家庭厅室的词汇以及用句型:This is my home. You can see a bedroom....来操练这5个新词汇 。
2. 难点:正确掌握单词bathroom,kitchen的发音 。
Step 1: Warm - up
(1)Before class, T and Ss sing the song“My Bedroom”after the tape.
(2)Greeting.(给坐在后排的学生课程前戴上不同人物的头饰,调节一下课堂气氛) T: Hello! Boys and girls! Today there are some new friends in our classroom. Now say“Hello”to them.“Hello, my friends! Welcome to our class.”Clap your hands. T: Nice to meet you! Ss: Nice to meet you,too! T: How are you,today? Ss: Fine,thank you.
(3)Ss greet with each other like that.
(4)Sing a song “How are you?”.
【设计思路:提前放本单元英文歌曲,让生感知语言,也为后边学唱打下基础 。给后排的学生戴头饰,布置课堂气氛,让生感到今天教室里有新朋友,自然引出Welcome to my class.正好为本节课的目标之一会说Welcome to my home.打下基础 。师生、生生日常问候后,互唱歌曲“How are you?”以此来营造活泼的课堂气氛,调动学生学习英语的积极性 。】
Step 2: Preview
T: Look! This is my new schoolbag.
Ss: Wow! How nice!(把新书包传给一位同学,照老师的样子说,然后再传给下一位同学,同伴之间练习说Look! This is my schoolbag. You can see a pencil-case、 a Chinese book....)
【设计思路:师拿个书包向同学们展示 This is my new schoolbag.并传给学生,让他们明白其意思,并练习说句型,为本节课后边的拓展、运用语言 This is my home. You can see a bedroom...这一句型作一铺垫 。】
Step 3: Presentation
Let’s learn
T: Today I'm very very happy.(作出非常高兴的夸张动作)Because I have a new home(师重复 home,生可能不懂其意,于是师出示一座房子图片,让生明白 home 就是“家”的意思)Let's go and have a look. OK? Ss: OK! T: So today we'll learn Unit 4 My Home.(师板书课题)
(1).study 的学习
T: 师指着刚才书包里的书说:I like reading very much. I like books. Look! There are many books on the shelf. There is a lamp on the desk. Guess! What's this? 出示图片 。Ss: 书房. T: Yes,this is my study.(引出新词)
师出示 study 的单词卡片:用升降调的方式操练study,分组竞赛读,排读,找个人开火车读.然后渗透 Let's do中的内容,师边做动作边让生跟说:Go to the study. Read a book.
T: We should read more books, because reading can make more knowledge. Yes? (渗透德育教育学生多读书) Ss: Yes.
【设计思路:由许多书在书房的书架上,引出study并用简笔画的方式呈现在黑板上让生一目了然 。教单词时先让生听、看,然后说、认词 。由词汇教学过渡到短语中并加入动作,调动起学生的积极性 。渗透 Let's do 为完成教学目标之一作铺垫 。】
(2).bathroom 的学习
T: When you read some books, finish your homework in your study. You may feel a little tired. So you can go to the bathroom to take a shower. Relax yourself(师边做劳累的样子,然后作洗澡的动作,让生明白其意接着引出新词bathroom.)
Look, this is my bathroom. 出示图片 。(师边说边板书bathroom) 出示单词卡片,让生看单词 bathroom,把 room 折过来剩 bath,师示范 bath 的发音,告诉生 bath 有洗澡之意,再加上 room读组成 bathroom,师领读突破发音难点 。可引导学生联想教室是 classroom,与之类似的都以 room 结尾 。a. 师示范读 。b. 学生模仿 。c. 分组竞赛读,开火车读 。d. 小组之间边说边做动作,
渗透 Let's do 内容 。师说 Go to the bathroom, take a shower.边说边做动作,让学生知道take a shower的意思 。
【设计思路:因为 barthroom 后边是 room.这样很容易联想到 classroom,提醒生记起,并为后边学习 bedroom、living room 提了个醒,用联想法扩充词汇量,联想是记忆单词的好方法 。师示范读让生注意 bathroom 的发音,然后做动作加深 bath 的印象 。】 (3).bedroom 的出现
T: After taking a shower, I want to sleep.(师做动作演示,让生明白其意) So I go to my bedroom.(引出新词) 出示图片 。问:What's this? Ss: Bed. T: Yes. You can see my bedroom. 让生看 bedroom 是由 bed 和 room 组成,但发音出现连读现象│dr││/bedrU:m│让生注意bedroom的发音 。出示单词卡片教读、领读新词 。然后渗透Go to the bedroom.Have a sleep.边说边做动作,让生跟说跟做 。分A、B两组,A组说B组答,再交换角色练习.
【设计思路:由洗完澡很自然想去卧室睡觉,于是师用肢体语言向学生演示睡觉,然后出示图片,很自然引出bedroom 。让学生做动作,渗透Let's do,加深对bedroom的印象 。】
