目标导向英语 目标导向式的英语教案( 六 )

(2)T:Who is tall and strong in our class? Ss:…… is tall and strong.
3. 同法教学:Zip(short and thin ),Zoom(friendly) 。
She’s thin.
He’s strong.
He’s/She’s tall/short.
He’s/She’s tall/short 。
He’s/She’s strong/thin.
He’s/She’s strong/thin 。
4. 出示照片 。
T: Look at the picture.Who is she ?
Ss: Her name is Zhao Yan.
板书:Who is she ? Her name is……
教师做动作提示:She is quiet. 贴图板书并教学quiet 。
T:Who is quiet in our class? Ss: Wang xiaomei is quiet.
5.Let’s chant: Who is he ? Who is he ?
His name is Zoom. His name is Zoom .Zoom, Zoom ,tall and strong. Zip, Zip, short and thin. Zip, Zipr, friendly. Zhao Yan, Zhao Yan , quiet.
Step 3.趣味训练(Practice)
T:看图描述人物(用句子描述人物的外貌或性格)介绍你的朋友 ;出示图片:
She has long hair.
She has short hair.
He has short hair.
出示图片:She has long hair, big eyes ,a small nose, a big mouth and big ears. She is short andquiet.
He has…
He is…
谁来描述 。
She has… She is…
谁来描述 。
BaiLing LiMing LiuYing ChenJie WuYifan
小组内介绍他们 。
分四人小组介绍自己的好朋友 。
Let’s find out
Let’s sing Friends
Step 4. 制作小绘画 。用简笔画画出自己的好朋友并用英文描述 。最后收集在一起订成小人书 。
This is my good friend. His /Her name is ……. He / She is……. Step 5. Summary.
1.小结本课重点单词和句型 。
2.品德教育:朋友让我们的生活更精彩,朋友之间应该互相帮助,共同分享 。
Step 6.作业布置(homework)
1.听录音,模仿跟读课本P25 。
2.用英语向家人简单介绍自己的朋友、同学、或老师的外貌 。
