

京剧作为我国*一种传统文化,在英语*作文题目上经常会出现它*身影,下面是小编为各位同学精选**** 。
满分英语范文3:介绍京剧【介绍京剧的英文作文范本】Beijing Opera is a kind of traditional Chinese dra* form which integrates music, vocal music, pantomime, dance and ac*bati*. It was p*duced at the end of the century and was fully d*loped and reco*ized in the middle of the century. This form was very popular in the Qing Dynasty.
It was known as the cultural treasure of China. Beijing and Tianjin in the north, Shanghai in the South and Taiwan also have this art form. There, it is called the National Opera *pinyin: Gu ó* It also spread to other count*es, such as the United States and Japan.
There are four *in types of perfor*nce in Beijing opera. There are s*ral different types of performing t*upes, as well as a large number of secondary and tertiary performers. They are elaborately and *chly dressed.
The actors are the only focus on the unique sparse stage of Peking Opera. They use language, song, dance and fighting skills to symbolize and imply actions rather than reali* Skill is judged by the be*ty of the action. Performers also follow a va*ety of style conventions to * the **nce grasp the plot of the work.
The meaning l*l of *ry movement must be expressed in time with the music. The music of Peking Opera can be divided into xipi style and Erhuang style melody, including a*a, set melody and percussion music. The repertoire of Peking Opera includes *ny works based on Chinese history, folklore and increasing contemporary life.
In recent years, in view of the declining **nce, Peking Opera has car*ed out *ny reforms, including imp*ving the perfor*nce quality, adapting to new perfor*nce elements, performing new and o*ginal operas, and has achi*d mixed results. Some Western works have been adopted as new operas. How*r, due to the lack of funds and unfavorable political cli*te, the fate of Beijing Opera in the 21st century is uncertain.
京剧是一种集音乐、声乐、哑剧、舞蹈、杂技于一体**传统戏剧形式 , 产生于世纪末,到世纪中叶得到充分发展和认可,这种形式在清代极为流行宫廷,被誉为**文化瑰宝,北方*京津,南接上海,也有这种艺术形式,在那里它被称为国剧(拼音:Guójù),它也传播到其他,如和** 。京剧有四种主要*表演类型,表演团往往有几个不同*品种,以及众多*二级和表演者 , 他们精心和丰富*服装 , 演员是京剧独特*稀疏舞台上唯一*焦点,他们运用语言、歌曲、舞蹈和**技巧,在动作上具有象征*和暗示* , 而不是现实主义,表演者*技巧是根据动作*美来评价* 。表演者也遵循各种风格惯例,帮助观众把握作品*情节 。
每一个乐章*意义层次都必须随着音乐及时地表达出来 。京剧*音乐可以分为西皮和二黄风格旋律包括咏叹调、定调旋律和打击乐 。京剧*剧目包括以*历史、民间传说和*益增多*当代生活为基**多部作品 。
近年来,京剧针对观众人数不断下降*情况,进行了多次改革,其中包括提高演出质量、适应新*表演元素、表演新戏和原创剧,取得了喜忧参半*成绩,一些西方作品被采纳为新剧,但由于资金不足和不利*气候 , 京剧进入世纪后命运未卜 。
