无论是考大学还是读研究生 , 选一个心仪的专业都是非常重要的 , 下面看看小编给大家盘点的这些冷门专业吧 , 看看有没有你喜欢的!
01.巴斯(Bath)--- Death and Society
这是什么?当我看到满脸问号?名字听着就令人毛骨悚然, 并且脑中自动配乐黑人抬棺 。 我们来看看官网介绍:
Even in the most affluent society, risks around death remain.Yet research in both rich and poor countries also shows how practices around death can unite groups, develop communities and mobilize social change.
bereavement:n. 丧亲之痛;亲人丧亡
affluent: adj. 富裕的;丰富的
mobilize social change: 引起社会变革
原来是 , 让学生更好地面对失去亲人的伤痛 , 懂得安慰他人的心灵 , 学会处理大规模死亡的情况 。
02.普利茅斯(Plymouth)---Surfing Science and Technology
这个专业只是教你如何冲浪吗? 每天上课都在海滩? 那也太快乐了吧! 其实不然:
【your|有哪些很冷门但听起来很“酷”的专业?】Broaden your geological horizons by exploring the connection between the Earth and its marine and near-shore environments on our joint honors degree.
broaden one's horizon 拓宽眼界
Geology with ocean science will arm you with the theoretical and practical aspects of geology, as well as enabling you to develop an understanding of oceanography and coastal processes.
arm sb. with... 向...提供
theoretical and practical aspects: 理论与实践
oceanography: 海洋学
03.密歇根州立 (Michigan State University)--- Zombie Apocalypse
看到这里不得不感叹, 美国人脑洞也太大了吧, 直到我看到了这句话
The course explores human psychology and behavior during disasters and catastrophes.
总之, 这门课的意义就在于研究大灾难来临时人类的行为, 尚存人性 or 只剩本能?
还有一些令人匪夷所思的专业, 如康奈尔大学的爬树课程, 以色列某大学的Pornography Studies(PS.这门课还不用考试哦, 只需要写论文,是不是很心动)...
看完了这些奇奇怪怪的专业 , 我们在雅思写作题里练练笔吧 。
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which do you think is
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