教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示

教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示
“随风潜入夜 , 润物细无声” 。 好的教育不仅仅是传授知识、教书育人 , 而应当是携手探路、陪伴成长 。
为加强教师队伍整体素质 , 提高教师间的业务交流 , 增加师生间的粘合力与情感沟通 , 促成全校教师爱护学生、培育老师的良好氛围 , 26日下午 , 在我校德育处的引导组织下 , 在小礼堂召开中外方班主任会 , 7位中外方代表教师就“我和我的学生教育故事”这一主题展开演讲 , 分享他们与学生之间的暖心故事~

教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示

教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示

01 外教演讲

教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示

The COVID Pandemic:
A Reanalysis of my Educational Philosophy
Education is a crucial means for students to uncover their own potential, unveil new possibilities, and reach beyond their limitations that were previously unattainable still remains at the crux of the importance of education. It is my mission that, despite the drastic changes that have occurred in the world, principle that have guided my educational philosophy will still be foundational in leading my students towards becoming the best versions of themselves.
教育是学生发掘自身潜力、发掘新可能性、超越以往无法达到的局限性的重要手段 , 这仍然是教育重要性的关键所在 。 我的使命是:尽管世界发生了巨大的变化 , 指导我的教育理念的原则仍然是引导我的学生成为最好的自己的基础 。
Miss Sorcha

教育|我和我的学生 | 力迈中美学校中外方班主任师德师风教育故事演讲展示

Limai and I 力迈和我
I have 16 years of experience in education and teaching with children aged 3 to 10. I once had a student named Kevin. I spoke to the Chinese teacher and was told that he would frequently have outbursts and difficulty socialising with others.When I communicated with him, he once told me:
“Everyone thinks I’m a bad boy, so I act bad.” He was stunned when I told him, “I don’t think you’re a bad boy.” That was the first turning point.It was essential that Kevin had a similar structure in school and at home and was involved in its creation. Once Kevin had been given the skills to handle any future outbursts, the next step was to boost his confidence in his academics. This was done in multiple ways, but it was essential to ensure that Kevin was interested.
In a short space of time, Kevin made considerable developments. As he was given the skills to handle his anger and frustration and the time to be heard, his socialisation with the other students improved. This led to less fighting with peers, being pulled out of class to “talk about his behaviour”, and stepped into a “leader” role for the first time. In addition, his confidence increased with the sense of responsibility of roles assigned to him in class.
我拥有16年与3到10岁儿童接触的教育教学经验 。 我曾经有一个叫凯文的学生 , 他之前的语文老师说过他脾气很差 , 经常爆发 , 很难和别人社交 。 我在与他交流的时候 , 他曾经告诉我:
“每个人都认为我是个坏男孩 , 所以我表现得很坏 。 ”当我告诉他 , “我不认为你是个坏男孩”时 , 他震惊了 。 这是第一个转折点 。 家校一致对Kevin来说至关重要 。 一旦Kevin掌握了处理未来突发事件的技能 , 下一步就是增强他对学习的信心 。 这是通过多种方式完成的 , 但必须确保他感兴趣 。
