数学|美国数学教育:2+2=4就是种族主义者?( 二 )

现在学生的数学成绩已经够差了 , 还可能变得更差 。
Onthe National Assessment of Educational Progress (naep)a national exam 13-year-old pupils’ scores dropped five points in 2020 compared with their peers’ in 2012.
2020年 , 国家成绩报告单(National Assessment of Educational Progress naep)显示 , 与2012年的同龄学生相比 , 13岁学生的分数下降了5分 。
Thestatus quodoes not add up.
现状未做统计 。
(备注:status quo是拉丁文)
But teachers and academics cannot agree on where to go next.
但是老师和学者没有就接下来的举措达成一致 。
2.History of “New Math curriculum”
2. “新数”的历史The American maths problem is over a century old says Alan Schoenfeld of the University of California Berkeley.
加州伯克利大学的Alan Schoenfeld讲道 , 美国人的数学问题早就是世纪难题了 。
In 1890 high school was anelite endeavour: less than 7% of 14-year-olds were enrolled and they were educated inrigorous maths.
1890年 , 高中是一场精英的奋斗:能上高中的14岁青少年不足7% , 他们学的是严谨数学 。
By the beginning of the second world war by which timearmy recruitshad to be trained in the maths needed forbasic bookkeepingandgunnery nearly three-quarters of children aged 14-17 attended high school.
在二战开始以前 , 新兵必须参加数学训练 , 用于基本簿记和射击 。 14至17岁的青少年中 , 将近四分之三都上过高中 。
The cold warsparkeda second strategic maths panic in the 1950s.
20世纪50年代 , 冷战引发了第二次战略数学的恐慌 。
A new maths curriculum focused on conceptual understanding rather thanrote memorising was developed after the launch of theSputnik satelliteby theSoviet Union.
苏联发射1号卫星之后 , 美国开发了“新数”课程 。 “新数”更注重概念的理解 , 而非死记硬背 。
Then that new curriculum was rejected in a move back to basics in the 1970s.
20世纪70年代 , 在“回到基础”运动中 , “新数”被取消了 。
3. Commission produced a report called “A Nation at Risk”3.委员会发布报告—“处于危险中的国家”Maths teaching became a worry again when America started to fear beingovertaken byJapan.
当美国开始担心被日本超越时 , 数学教育再次成为焦虑 。
In 1981the secretary of educationappointed a commission to evaluate the curriculum.
1981年 , 教育部长任命了“新数”评估委员会 。
It produced a report called “A Nation at Risk”.
委员会发布了一篇名为“处于危险中的国家”的报告 。
“If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted toimposeon America themediocreeducational performance that exists today” the report reported “we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”
“如果不友好的外国势力试图“欺负”我们如今平庸的教育业绩 , ”报告写道 , “我们也许应该视之为一场“战争” 。
4.Conservatives: classical maths4. 保守主义者:古典数学Since the 1990s though maths has become more political.
自20世纪90年代以来 , 数学变得更加政治化了 。
Conservativestypically campaign forclassical maths: a focus onalgorithms(a set of rules to be followed) memorising (of times tables and algorithmic processes) andteacher-led instruction.
保守主义者通常为古典数学发起运动:重视运算法则(一套需要遵守的规则)、死记硬背(乘法表和算法过程)和教师主导的教学 。
Pupils in these classrooms focus on the basics exploring concepts after obtaining traditional skills explains Bill Evers of the Independent Institute athink-tankin Oakland.
奥克兰独立机构(智库)的Bill Evers解释道 , “教室里的这些学生把重心放在了基础 , 在掌握了传统技能之后 , 才开始学习概念 。 ”
