数学|美国数学教育:2+2=4就是种族主义者?( 三 )

These methods are familiar to many.
这些方法并不陌生 。
For two-digit addition pupils would be taught a paper-and-pencil method.
对于两位数的加法 , 可能会教学生使用纸笔演算法 。
Add 27 + 45 by stacking 27 over 45.
“27+45”就是把27写到45上面 。
Add up the right column (7 + 5 = 12).
先把右列相加(7+5=12) 。
Write down the 2 and carry the 1 to the left column.
结果写2 , 把1放到左列 。
Add up the left column (1 + 2 + 4 = 7).
再计算左列(1+2+4=7) 。
Write down the 7.
结果写7 。
The answer is 72.
得出答案是72 。
5.Progressives: conceptual maths5. 进步主义者:概念数学Progressivestypically favour a conceptual approach to maths based on problem-solving and gaining number-sense with less emphasis on algorithms and memorising.
进步主义者通常更喜欢理解数学概念 , 基于解决问题和掌握数字感 , 而不那么强调运算法则和死记硬背 。
In contrast to the conservative strategy pupils would learn several ways to solve a problem by using objects and by other means before learning algorithms.
和保守主义者的方法相比 , 学生会学习解决一个问题的几种方法 , 在学习运算法则之前先用实例或其他方式学习 。
To solve 27 + 45 pupils could add up the digits in the ones place (7+5=12) and then the tens place (20+40=60) and then add them together to get 72.
计算“27+45” , 学生可以计算先个位之和(7+5=12) , 再计算十位之和(20+40=60) , 最后再把这两个结果相加得出72 。
Or they could realise that 27 is 3 digits away from 30.
或许他们会发现27和30只相差3 。
They would add 3 to get to 30.
先加上3得到30 。
Then add 45 and subtract 3 to get 72.
然后加上45 , 减去3 , 就得出了72 。
Conceptual maths strategies encourage pupils to find many potential solutions for the same problem to gain number-sense rather than relying on an algorithm.
为了培养学生的数字感 , 概念数学教学法鼓励学生寻找更多可能的方法去解决同一个问题 , 而非依赖唯一的运算法则 。
6.How to improve it?6. 如何提升数学?Although most teachers agree that maths education in America issub-par they have not been able to agree on how to improve it.
尽管大部分老师认为美国的数学教育欠佳 , 他们还是无法达成一致的提升方法 。
Copying methods used in highly ranked mathematical nations such as Singapore would be one way.
解决方案之一是向数学教育排名靠前的国家(如:新加披)学习 , 把教学方法照搬过来 。
But that would require agreement on what is actually being taught in other countries.
但这样做的前提是 , 关于其他国家到底是怎么教学的 , 大家得达成共识 。
According to Mr Evers successful Asian curriculums reflect the classical position.
Evers先生认为 , 亚洲数学课程的成功反映了古典数学的地位 。
“What country do you think has totally adopted progressive education and has been a big success?
China is very teacher-led.
中国是教师主导教学的典型 。
Singapore math is the best in the world.
新加披是世界上数学最好的国家 。
It’s not progressive” explains Mr Evers.
它并不是进步主义教育 。 ”Evers先生解释道 。
But Mr Schoenfeld reckons countries such as Japan and Singapore implement conceptual curriculums.
但是Schoenfeld先生认为 , 像日本和新加披这样的国家施行的是概念课程 。
7. The Common Core7.“共同核心”课程Part of the confusion stems from the messy implementation of the most recent maths curriculumthe Common Core.
让人感到迷糊的部分原因是 , 最近“共同核心”课程的施行得一团乱 。
