数学|美国数学教育:2+2=4就是种族主义者?( 四 )

Implemented in 2010 under President Barack Obama’s administration 41 states and the District of Columbia adopted the principles.
“共同核心”课程始于2010年奥巴马执政时期 , 41个州和哥伦比亚区都采纳了这套标准 。
Texas Florida and several others opted out.
只有德州、弗罗里达和少数几个州弃用“共同核心”课程 。
Despite initially being abipartisaneffort (Jeb Bush and other conservatives supported the Obama administration’s effort) it was eventually criticised by both sides.Some view it as an example of progressive education while others think it was not progressive enough.
尽管最初是两党一起努力推行(Jeb Bush和其他保守主义者都支持奥巴马政府所作的努力) , 最终“共同核心”课程却受到了两党的批评 。 一些人将它视作进步主义教育的典范 , 而另一些人认为这还不够进步主义 。
Now that test results are rolling in many conservatives claim that the falling scores show the failure of the Common Core and progressive teachers.
如今测试结果纷纷出炉 , 很多保守主义者声称 , 分数的下降说明了“共同核心”课程和进步主义教师的失败 。
But supporters of the current curriculum are not prepared to give up.
但是“共同核心”课程的支持者并不打算放弃 。
Whereas naep scores declined among 13-year-olds they stayed steady among nine-year-olds who would have studied Common Core for their whole school lives.
不管13岁学生的国家成绩报告单(即naep)分数如何下降 , 9岁学生的分数始终稳定不降 , 而他们在学校一直都学习“共同核心”课程 。
8.Paired conceptual maths with racist8. 对比概念数学和种族主义Further muddling the messfar-left activistshave paired conceptual maths methods with more radical concepts.
让局面更混沌的是 , 极左激进分子将概念数学法和种族主义相提并论 。
Many opponents of conceptual maths believe that Common Core and conceptual maths in general bans teaching of rote-learning as inmultiplication tables.
概念数学的许多反对者认为 , “共同核心”课程和概念数学通常禁止死记硬背的教学方式 , 比如乘法表 。
A prominent maths-education scholar at Stanford University Jo Boaler claims that memorising times tables is unnecessary.
斯坦福大学著名数学教育学者Jo Boaler声称 , 没有必要去背乘法表 。
Conservatives have seized on this idea as an example ofliberal activismgone wild.
保守主义者抓住这点 , 并以此例证自由派激进分子已经变疯狂 。
But Mr Schoenfeld claims this does notalign withprogressive maths values.
但Schoenfeld先生声称这不符合进步主义数学观 。
9.Paired conceptual maths with “social-justice maths”9. 对比概念数学和“社会正义数学”Some activists have also paired conceptual maths with “social-justice maths” the concept that maths should be used to help pupils solve real-world issues and appraise the world around them.
一些进步主义者还把概念数学和“社会正义数学”相提并论 。 “社会正义数学”是指数学应该用来帮助学生解决实际问题并鉴定周围的世界 。
Dubbed “woke math[s
” and tagged with headlines such as “In California 2+2=4 May Be Thought Racist” (as a letter to the Wall Street Journal harrumphed) it has done conceptual maths few favours by association.
被称为“觉醒数学” , 并标有诸如“在加州 , 2+2=4可能被视作种族主义” (一封寄给华尔街日报的信中这样埋怨)之类的标题 , 这导致概念数学几乎没有得到任何机构的支持 。
10.Conclusion: polarised10.总结:极端The maths debate in America is polarised and confused.
美国的数学之争非常极端混乱 。
While other countries implement maths curriculums with a balance of rote and conceptual learning America continues to swing from one pole to anotherdecade after decade.
