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From Harvard Letter of Recommendation Document
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #1 - Bart
Bart is a remarkable young man with real ability and potential. He has a passion for understanding the world around him and possesses the skill and expertise to analyse problems critically, and arrive at innovative solutions by making connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena. His understanding of Mathematics goes way beyond the requirements of the IB programme and he is able to use his mathematical ability to gain genuine knowledge in Chemistry.
I have known Bart since he arrived at our school two years ago. He won a highly competitive scholarship from his National Committee to study for two years at this international college where we have students from over seventy countries. I taught him Higher Level Chemistry all the time he was a student here. He impressed me immediately with his thirst for knowledge and understanding. Before he arrived he had taught himself much of his prior knowledge about chemistry and when he was here he could often be found with his head in a book reading further around each topic. He does have a good memory for factual information so is easily able to learn supporting facts but his real strength is his understanding and ability to apply underlying principles. He really enjoys questioning assumptions and looking critically at facts and theories that others take for granted. If I have to find a small fault with Bart it is that he is a perfectionist. He never wants to hand in work which he is not entirely comfortable with and this can cause him some problems in meeting deadlines – however, I stress that this is not through any lack of effort but simply because he always feels that he can do it even better. Whenever he was tested he scored very high marks and his top grade of 7 in Chemistry in his final examinations for his IB Diploma was exactly as I predicted.
As part of the requirements for the IB each student must carry out a piece of individual research and write a 4000 word Extended essay. Bart chose to do his in Chemistry. Usually students work on a problem that is new knowledge to them but not to ‘mankind’. Bart did some truly original research. The use of microwave ovens in chemistry is well documented but it always involves using an aqueous medium. Bart’s research problem was to see whether a microwave oven could be used to determine the dipole moment of molecules other than water. He investigated the effect of microwaves on the members of a homologous series of alcohols and had to overcome considerable practical and theoretical difficulties to establish that there is indeed a relationship and that the method can be used to determine an unknown dipole moment. This was a very successful outcome and his Extended Essay gained the highest mark, and I have included his findings in a recent textbook published by Oxford University Press that I have written.
At our school considerable emphasis is placed on educating the whole individual, not just on academic excellence. Bart fitted in extremely well in this international environment. He has a caring and sensitive nature and is also extremely patient and tolerant. These attributes were particularly useful when he visited other schools each week and helped younger students with literacy and numeracy. He also helped students of his own age in the local comprehensive school develop their computer skills. Within our own school environment he was the elected student representative for his house on the Staff Student Council and also ran an activity ‘Norwegian for beginners’ for his fellow students.
I’ve taught many exceptional students during my 25 year teaching career, all of whom have gone on to study at prestigious universities throughout the world. Bart is up there with the best of them – he has a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge that is all too rare. For him understanding is everything.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #2 – Bart 第二封
