推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 三 )

Bart was a student at [our school] for two years and I was his Mathematics teacher throughout this time. His academic record here makes impressive reading and his final diploma score was a total of 41 points, placing him amongst the top 5% of IB candidates worldwide. A young man of high intellect, Bart would have the potential to study at university level in several subject areas. I am pleased to write in support of his application to continue his studies in the field of Mathematics.
His fascination for this subject had clearly been nurtured in his previous school so he came with strong background knowledge. Both his algebraic skills and ability to present mathematical arguments were far in advance of his peers. In addition to this he was very interested in recreational mathematics and enjoyed trying to solve problems that ranged through many branches of the subject. He was quite accustomed to reading textbooks that went well beyond the syllabus and he made full use of the internet to seek out new material. From the outset he excelled in this class and of course gained a top grade in the final examination.
A handful of our best Mathematicians each year take Further Mathematics in addition to their six subject Diploma. This subject was an obvious choice for Bart but there were timetabling problems because of his other subjects so he chose to take the Further Mathematics course by distance learning. This meant reading and taking notes in his personal study time and keeping pace with the material we were covering in lessons. Few students have managed this successfully over the two years but Bart did so and gained a grade 6 in the final exam.
It will be clear that Bart is very gifted in Mathematics but he is quite an exceptional young man with a deep interest in the connections between subject areas. He was really eager to learn as much as he could about the applications of mathematics and one of the great joys of his time here was spending time in animated discussions about this with likeminded friends. Bart’s intellectual interests were by no means restricted to Science and Maths. He was able to pursue his interest in Middle Eastern affairs through Peace and Conflict Studies and by studying Arabic Language and visiting Jordan in his second year. He also enjoys music, plays the saxophone and was a valuable member of the Choir on their tour to Portugal.
【推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)】As part of his community service here he spent time in local schools. His role ranged from helping with the very youngest children in infant classes to assisting with mathematics teaching to final year students in secondary schools. Since leaving the school I understand he has been learning Chinese while being involved in a humanitarian project associated with a Chinese university.
With this breadth of interest and experience he will have much to contribute to the undergraduate community he joins. I see him as a person who does nothing by half measures. He ahs come a long way from being somewhat shy and socially awkward. He made the most of every opportunity he was given and has developed tremendously. I confidently commend him as a young man of considerable potential.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #3 – Sophia 第三封
I have taught Sophia for both the AS and A2 components of the post-16 Chemistry course and she has proved to be an outstanding all-round scholar. She is an intellectually curious pupil who very carefully thinks through new ideas before asking highly perceptive and nuanced questions which cut to the very heart of the subject matter being discussed. She is a very rewarding person to teach, particularly for the look of delight on her face when she links a new concept into her already impressive framework of knowledge. Her written work is distinctive for its logical presentation of ideas. Practical work is undertaken with calm efficiency and her mathematical skills are equal to any challenge posed.
