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Excellent examination performances (he is only one Distinction away from becoming one of our top scholars, joining an elite group of academics here) have always been matched by an eagerness to involve himself in ‘off-piste’ intellectual pursuits. It was early in his career here when he asked me to recommend some philosophy for him to read ‘for interest and pleasure’. He has frequently submitted winning essays for prizes, internal and external.
Charlie’s extra-curricular profile is expansive. He has represented the School on numerous Model United Nations visits and won ‘Best Delegate’ twice last year;’ he is now the Secretary of this venture and helps to organize the School’s representatives. Charlie has always been an eager journalist, editing our junior newspaper as a younger boy and, as a Sixth Former, the school’s most intellectual and philosophical publication as well as our satirical magazine. In House, he has represented us in numerous sports, usually at B team level, though he has won trophies on the river and last year took the responsibility of organizing all of our internal rowing, which included coaching a junior bumping crew, something he did with typical energy and commitment. Charlie’s unusual ‘piece de resistance’ is his interest and talent in the field of magic; he runs the Magic Society and used his talent this year as a way to raise substantial funds at a charities fair.
I would have to say that Charlie is as impressive a young man as I have come across in my career. The multi-faceted nature of his interests and achievements are impressive in their own right but his maturity, sensitivity and compassion are notable strengths which will stand him, I am sure, in very good stead for his further academic career and through to later life.
To be able to strike the balance between ambition and awareness of others at such a young age is unusual. Here is a young man who achieves success and who thoroughly and absolutely deserves it. I have no hesitation in recommending Charlie to you as a potential undergraduate; he is a confident and articulate academic with a warm and engaging personality and is sure to blossom further at University and beyond.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #7 – Clarissa 第7封
We are a selective grammar school that sends 95% of its class on to a full time university education. Several of our pupils go on to Oxford and Cambridge each year. Clarissa joined us at the start of year ten; she soon established herself as one of the best students we have ever had in a school of exceptional students.
Clarissa studies a wide variety of challenging subjects. She does Physics, Maths, Further Maths (which she manages on her own on top of an already heavy academic workload), but also English Literature and Economics, which I teach her. This breadth is very unusual at our school, where students generally sit closely linked A-levels. Because of her late entry to the school Clarissa was unable to formally participate in our History or Modern Foreign Languages, but she has repeatedly shown interest in those subjects. She attends a weekly Latin club and has self-taught knowledge of History. Clarissa’s desire to learn more than the school has to offer her illustrates one of her defining features, her intense intellectual curiosity.
In the Economics classroom Clarissa is on a level of her own. She picks up new theory effortlessly, but even more remarkable is her ability, and eagerness, to analyse it critically. In my eleven years of teaching she is perhaps the strongest student I have encountered. She does not accept theory on faith, regardless of who developed it (be it Keynes or Freidman). Although her mastery of the subject greatly exceeds the rest of her class, Clarissa always strives to make her thoughts accessible to all. She not only starts and leads classroom discussions, but also ensures that they are lengthy and valuable by including everyone in them.
Clarissa also shows remarkable dedication to her extracurricular activities. At our school we offer a limited range of opportunities for activities outside of the classroom compared to schools in the USA, especially before sixth form, and tend to focus on the academic element of the school more intensely. Although she takes two more A-levels than our average student, Clarissa has proved definitively that a balance can be struck. Always eager to amplify the student voice, she has founded a school newspaper and has been elected chairman of the student council. She also shows a genuine concern for her community, both at school and in the wider world. She has been a founding member of the peer-mentoring program and in establishing relations with a nearby primary school, where she tutored maths pupils. Just as she has done academically, Clarissa has made the most of the extracurricular opportunities available to her, and created some on top of that. In every activity she undertakes she naturally gravitates towards a position of leadership. For this reason she has been appointed deputy head girl, a most significant distinction for a latecomer to the school. The position is one of considerable responsibility that demands the most of Clarissa’s leadership abilities.
