推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 五 )

Sophia is indeed a student of many talents whose superb time-management allows her to be active in so many areas on and off campus. She is a keen debater, an impressive mover and shaker, a violinist and a guitarist, a rower and fencer; she is also the founder, no less, of our very own and very popular Dance Society. She would indeed make many excellent contributions to campus life. It is not often that such a natural, friendly and ebullient personality joins forces with an intellect of such versatility and quality. Sophia is a very special student whom we are happy to recommend at the very highest level.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #5 – Harry 第5封
It gives me great pleasure to write to you about Harry. He is an extraordinary young man in many ways who has performed at a very high level in his varied activities for as long as I have known him – a period of five years. But there is much more to Harry than just achievement; he is a real giver who supports the community in the boarding house in a selfless and caring manner.
Harry is an intelligent young man who enjoys the cut and thrust of lively classroom discussion and writes confidently. He is also blessed with high levels of motivation and determination: this potent mix of attributes resulted in his excellent GCSE results and enables us confidently to predict him top grades for his A levels.
Harry has always maintained a hectic extracurricular programme, but I have never known this to get in the way of his academic work, or his duties in the boarding house. His coach has written about his rowing, which has clearly been a major factor in his life, but the time this takes out has never prevented him looking for new avenues to explore. As an editor of the school monthly newspaper he has been an important part of the team, working to tight deadlines and often providing copy at the last minute. He has a fine speaking voice, which he used well in reaching the finals of our Declamations competition for three years in a row. He is a valued member of the school debating team. On one memorable occasion he made a speech in Chinese (a language that he has only recently started learning) to hundreds of people when on a visit to a school in Beijing. He has participated fully in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme, attaining his silver and gold medals. These awards involve both challenging expeditions over four days and a large amount of charitable work. He received a Millennium award for undertaking more than 200 hours of community service. In the last holiday, Harry took part in a five week expedition to Costa Rica with a humanitarian organization. Most of the men and women on the trip were two or three years older than him, but he showed maturity beyond his years in leading his group on several occasions and learning to cope with some difficult, and sometimes treacherous, conditions. He recently gave an excellent power-point presentation of the trip in front of the boarding house.
Harry’s role in the House has mainly revolved around his prefectorial duties where he sets the highest standards. He is also a ‘Mentor’ to two of the younger boys and here he has shown his warmth and understanding in helping them settle in during their first term or two. He helped to direct our junior play, which involved taking rehearsals on his own and organising the costumes, lighting and sound: something he did very efficiently and with clear artistic understanding.
Therefore, Harry can be seen as a man of many parts and a master of many. He is totally reliable, always enthusiastic and has an outward looking and mature attitude to life. He is a young man with an outstanding future and I recommend him to you in the warmest possible terms.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #6 – Charlie 第6封
Charlie is an admirably ambitious academic with an impressively well-rounded profile; he is a genuinely interesting young man.
Charlie’s subject teachers have always been impressed by him, not least during his Sixth Form career. His Physics Masters report on a young man who is both ‘able and very thorough’ in his approach to the subject, ‘he is very reluctant to leave things unchecked’. They refer to excellence in his ability to express himself (both on paper and through ‘enjoyable’ and ‘productive’ oral contributions) and in his motivation (‘he seems determined to reach the highest standard of which he is capable’/’He seems to have a real passion for Material Science. I think he might just have found the right slot for himself’). In Chemistry, ‘he raises some of the most perceptive points to be heard in School’ and produces ‘some formidable scientific arguments’. He is able to speculate beyond the syllabus ‘a great deal’ and shows tremendous potential in this subject with continued direction. In Mathematics, ‘he has coped with some demanding aspects of further Pure’ and ‘can set up Mechanics questions with some clarity’; this subject plays a strong supporting role in Charlie’s profile. Economics continues to play a significant part in Charlie’s curricular studies and he embarks upon the A2 course confident after his success at AS level. His A at French AS was a fitting conclusion to his studies in a subject at which he has excelled throughout his career.
