
11月22日公布的《2021美国门户开放报告》显示 2020至2021学年,美国大学新增国际学生数量比上一学年骤降46%,国际学生人数减少15%,中国大陆学生人数下降14.8%,但中国大陆仍然是美国国际学生的最大生源地。
All places of origin and regions saw declines in the number of students enrolled at US higher education institutions and online from abroad due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to The Open Doors 2021 Report on International Educational Exchange, released Monday.
The global pandemic primarily affected international students studying at a US university for the first time, or new international students. That segment declined by 46 percent, according to the report, launched by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education.
China remained the top place of origin of all international students, contributing slightly more than one-third of the total 914,095 foreign students in the 2020-21 academic year. That overall number represented a decrease of 15 percent from the previous academic year, according to the annual report.
The second-largest place of origin is India, which had 18.3 percent of all international students in the US. Both Chinese and Indian groups declined this year by 14.8 percent and 13.2 percent, respectively.
As in previous years, slightly more than half of international students pursued a major in a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) field, and in all, foreign students represented 4.6 percent of all students in US higher education, the lowest mix since the 2014-15 academic year.
While the COVID-19 pandemic was a primary factor affecting enrollment, the strained relationship between the US and China, the largest source of international students for the US, has made itself felt for some Chinese students who sought to enter the US recently.
There have been "frequent incidents of unwarranted harassment and suppression" targeting Chinese students and visiting fellows to the US, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Nov 3.
Just the other day, a Chinese visiting scholar holding a valid visa issued by the US government was repatriated after being interrogated without cause upon entry, and about 30 Chinese students and visiting scholars have been subjected to the same "unjust" treatment by the US since August, Wang said at a daily news briefing.
