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Jane Austen"s novel P*de and Prejudice is a lighthearted tale of love and *r*age in eigh*th-century England. It centers on the elder sisters of the Bennet family, Jane and Elizabeth. Their personalities, misunderstandings and the *les of p*de and prejudice play a lavishing story. This story is told f*m third point of view. F*m my perspective Jane Austen wanted to convey love wins over prejudice and to not just take in the saying of first impression but to look in the person"s character deeper. Jane Austin was born in 1775 in St*nson, Hampshire. Her family wasn"t *ch but **d to give her a decent education. She was the s*nth of eight children of her father, a clergy*n. Like other young women of her social class, Jane and her sister Cassandra were educated mostly at home in subjects of music, drawing, painting, needlework, and social behavior. Her father"s encouragement and her own enjoyment in reading led Jane to became very well read. At four* she be* to w*te little plays for home theat*cals. She also w*te nonsense story"s to entertain her family. Jane would spend the *jo*ty of the *ning in the corner of the *om with her *nusc*pt and blotter observing the world sur*unding her. She would w*te when the *om was quiet and if she were interrupted, she would cover her *nusc*pt with a blotter and continued when the *om was silent again. Before Jane Austen *d of cancer in 1817 at Winchester, she had already published six succes*ul novels: Sense and Sensibility, P*de and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Man*ield Park, Em*, and Persuasion, respectively. Jane Austen is now bu*ed in the ancient cathedral in Winchester of her native Hampshire. P*de and Prejudice lets you travel th*ugh lives back then but also she portrays the lives of modern days. You can read it and you might be able to recall some parts of the book as your life, but in a different time pe*od
Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in B*tain in 18th century. The *thor who himself was born in a poor family w*te this novel in his *enties with a view to r*al the ugly *sks of those cruel c*minals and to expose the hor*r and violence hidden underneath the nar*w and dirty streets in London. The he* of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was th*wn into a world full of poverty and c*me. He suffered enormous pain, such as *ger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic expe*ences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his suffe*ngs. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was w*tten in all the best sto*es, the goodness *ntually *ed devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and be* a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind for*r the world of c*me and hardship and poverty. How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction re*in pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important infor*tion implied in the novel by Dickens-he beli*d that goodness could * *ry difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do beli* that those who are kind-hearted live * happily than those who are evil-minded.
A Book Report of The Black Tulip
By Li Minli, Class 5, 2005
The Black Tulip is a novel w*tten by Alexandre Du*s Pere, simplified by Micle Wester, and was published by Shanghai Translation Press in 1983.
The story is set in the 17th century in Holland when fierce political conflicts prevailed while the society *oted.
In this story, Cornelius Van Baerle being so crazy about tulips t*es to g*w a black tulip without any other color on it at all in order to gain quite a substantial sum of money offered to the winner. How*r, Boxtel, a *n living in the next door, also has a crush on the money. He then supervises *ry movement of Cornelius secretly for fear that Cornelius *y g*w better tulips than his own. Besides this, he also car*es out *ny surreptitious activities to dest*y Cornelius’ tulips by all means. Once a while, he accuses Cornelius of harbou*ng letters that might be harmful to the government so that Cornelius is sent to the p*son without giving p*vocation. This nearly c*ses him to death. Even here, Cornelius **s to g*w tulips with the * of Rosa, the d*ghter of the p*son-keeper. But unfortunately, their first black tulip is stolen by Boxtel. It’s Rosa who p*ves the truth and saves Coenelius by herself!
It’s a happy ending in this novel as it says “Those who have suffered much, have a *ght to be happy.” This tion b*ngs the whole story to an end and will certainly motivate readers to go on. Rosa herself will re*in as quite a good example, too.
Besides, “justice could defeat evil how*r difficult it is and what*r the p*cess would be” can be easily seen as the *thor’s deep philosophy towards life. By reading it, the reader can both enjoy the plots and be stimulated! Sample 2
A Book Report of The Black Tulip
By Huang Xin, Talents Class, 2006
I have recently read the simplified version of The Black Tulip published by Shanghai Translation Press. This novel was w*tten by the distinguished French w*ter Alexandre Du*s Pere, the pioneer of the Ro*ntici* Literature Movement in France. He was so popular that his works had been translated into s*ral languages and welcomed by readers all over the world.
This novel took 17th century Dutch bourgeois revolutionary pe*od of intense political struggle and the turbulent life as its backg*und.
This gist of the story is as follows. The leading *le Cornelius is a young doctor who completely doesn’t inquire about politi*. He loves g*wing tulips and is trying to cultivate a black tulip without any other color on it at all. In order to o*ain the considerable bonus offered by the government to the first *n who cultivates the very kind of black tulip, Boxtel, Cornelius’
neighbor, t*es to dest*y and steal the bulbs of Cornelius, *n kill him. Fortunately, Cornelius in the p*son gets acquainted with the p*son-keeper’s d*ghter Rosa and they fall in love. Under Rosa’s *, Cornelius realized his dream and achi*s happiness at last.
It’s firmly beli*d by some people that when you become *ch and succes*ul, happiness will naturally follow. After reading this novel, I beli* that nothing is further f*m the truth. To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your succes*ul work, in your cont*bution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned th*ugh your own honest efforts.
Firstly, in order to o*ain happiness, you should achi* your succes*ul work, in order to achi* your succes*ul work, you should go th*ugh thick and thin. As the w*ter said, “those who have suffered much, have a *ght to be happy.” Take the *o leading characters for example. They *ntually reach happiness after suffe*ng a lot both psychologically and physiologically. Secondly, your happiness should live in your cont*bution towards others’ happiness, but not on the contrary, in dest*ying others’ happiness. If you get your happiness by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you won’t be happy with it for long, at least, you won’t enjoy the real happiness. People will think you’re a mean person. Boxtel was a typical case. He would n*r gain happiness.
【英语读书报告范文4篇】Thirdly, wealth o*ained th*ugh dishonest means doesn’t b*ng happiness. Happiness is not an end, it is a p*cess. It’s a continuous p*cess of honest and p*ductive work which *kes a real cont*bution to others and *kes you feel you are a useful and worthy person.
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