

Whether or not we know it or like it, customer * is a great part of *ryone’s life. Even if one does not own a business or p*vide *s to others, we are constantly selling ourselves into what*r it is that we want to pursue.
不管我们知不知道,喜不喜欢,*是每个人生活中*一个重要部分 。即使一个人没有自己*事业或根*不用给别人提供服务,我们也不断地把自己卖给自己*追求,不管那追求是什么 。
Truly succes*ul people are *ster *nipulators in their field; at least that’s what most people would attest to. They sit and strategize for hours, plotting their way to their clients’ sati*action. If success is a function of *nipulation, then what is *nipulation, anyway? A warm *ile? An occasional joke?*ng a client feel that his or her needs are important? That *y be *nipulation in its own *ght, but we *y just as easily conclude that those are all merely attempts to create lasting and fulfilling relationships with clients.
真正成**人在自己*领域都是个*盘手 , 至少大部分人都证明是如此 。他们坐在那里策划数小时,只为谋划如何让顾客满意*方法 。如果成*是可*纵* , 那*作方法是什么样*呢,到底?一个温暖*微笑?一个应景*笑话?又或许是让*感到他或她*需求受到重视?可能就在于*纵过程*身,但我们或许能轻松地归结出:那些仅仅是希望与*建立持久和实质*关系*尝试而已 。
Unfortunately, we tend to embrace the bad *nipulation as much as we do the good. This can mean *isting the truth, delive*ng below reasonable expectations, and selling out to something outside of our personal values. Fortunately, *ny people can see th*ugh this.
【外贸业务员让客户高兴的谈判技巧】可惜,我们对于坏*策略和好*策略一概接受,这就导致了歪曲事实、达不到顾客合理预期*夸海口和违背个人价值观等诸如此类*事情 。幸好,许多人是能够分辨是非* 。
What are you left with when you remove the white lies, evil tacti*, and unethical behavior? The answer is — real tacti* that work. If you *nipulate without perfor*nce, you will not only loose the clients that you already have, but you will reli* yourself of those potential clients that supportive and sati*ied clients refer.
不利用那些无恶意*小谎言,鬼伎俩和不道德*行为,我们还剩什么呢?答案就是--- 真正管用** 。如果你只会*纵阴谋诡计,而没有实际成就,你不仅会疏远已有**,而且会失掉那些潜在**和忠实**参考 。
“The goal as a company is to have customer * that is not just the best, but legendary.”---Sam Walton
“作为一个*,其*目标不止要做到最好 , 而且要成为典范 。”---山姆?沃尔顿
