蹙额怎么读拼音 蹙额

近两年 , “社会性死亡”这个词渐渐风靡 。它说的是当众出丑以至于没脸见人的状况 。
清华大学《清新时报》报道称 , 豆瓣ID“@嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿”的用户在小组发帖分享一件自己“社会性死亡”的事件 。

蹙额怎么读拼音  蹙额

楼主给毕业论文导师发了消息 , 收到了老师“之后见了再说”的回复 , 心中纳闷 。回头再一看 , 才发现自己的信息最后一句话是——“您是否有实力当我的毕业设计老师呢?”
而她本想打的 , 是“时间” 。
尴尬事件或许是必然会发生的 , 但是随之而来的巨量尴尬却不会随着事件的结束而消退 , 反而会不断地在接下来的数年甚至数十年里随机浮上心头 , 让人痛苦“重温” 。
可能有些读者光是看到本文这个标题就已经开始不由自主地回忆起尴尬瞬间了 。
这些常见的尴尬 , 或许你也有过:
▌Secretly trying to take a picture of someone when the flash on your phone is on
打算偷 *** 一张别人的照片结果闪光灯没关
▌Waving at someone who doesn’t see you
向某人挥手 , 结果他没看见你
▌Trying to get your teachers’ attention in primary school by accidentally calling them mommy or daddy
▌Texting one of your friends about a certain person before sending it to that person by mistake发消息给朋友聊关于另外一个人的事情 , 结果直接发给了这个人
蹙额怎么读拼音  蹙额

▌Going to open a door by pulling it when it clearly says “push”
想去拉开门 , 发现上面写着“推”
▌Being out in public and tripping over some thing before trying to act casual as if it never happened
在公众场合绊了一跤 , 然后假装如常无事发生
▌Bumping into someone as you leave the toilet with a really bad*** ell coming out of it.
上完厕所在隔间外撞见正要进去的人 , 结果厕所里的味道臭得不行
▌Entering a lecture hall, sitting down, and taking out all of your stuff before finally looking up to realize you’re in the wrong class.
进入教室 , 坐下来 , 把上课用的东西全部拿出来 , 结果发现进错了教室
▌Sitting in a quiet study room with your stomach sounding like it’s trying to digest a tractor engine.
坐在一个安静的自习室里 , 然后肚子饿得叫 , 像是它在消化一个拖拉机发动机一样
▌Creeping on someone’s Wechat moments and accidentally liking a photo from three years ago.偷偷翻阅某人的微信朋友圈 , 然后不小心给一张三年前的照片点了赞
蹙额怎么读拼音  蹙额

▌Holding a handrail on a bus or train and touching someone else’s hand in the process.
在公交或列车上抓扶手 , 结果不小心碰到别人的手
▌Asking someone to repeat themselves before asking twice more, and when you still haven’t heard what they’ve said, you just have to reply with “yes” and hope for the best.
请某人重复说过的话 , 发现没听明白叫人再重复一次 , 结果还是没听清楚 , 就只能回复“嗯”然后期望对话还能顺利进行
▌Saying something to someone and your voice breaks weirdly like a 13-year-old going through puberty halfway through the sentence.跟某人说话 , 结果嗓子像是一个 13 岁的正在经历青春期变声的小孩一样 , 话说到一半就破音了 。
作家Melissa Dahl花了数年时间研究“尴尬” , 出版了书籍Cringeworthy: A Theory of Awkwardness(《令人尴尬:尴尬的理论》) 。
起初 , 她发现自己每次叠衣服的时候都会想起十年前当实习生的时候被人笑话裙子在上完厕所之后塞到连体袜里的尴尬瞬间 。
In my apartment ten years later, I know I’m far away in space and time from this moment, and yet it still makes me wince. “How embarrassing,” I whisper, out loud, to no one.十年后 , 我住在这间公寓里 , 我知道无论是空间上还是时间上来说 , 我距离那个尴尬时刻已经很远了 , 但是我还是会紧皱眉头尴尬不已 。周遭无人 , 我会大声在心里吼出来:“好尬啊!”
