推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 十 )

Modest, humorous, good fun and a very easy person to get on with, Sean is impressive also in his even temper and equanimity. I have never known him to lose his cool, to get carried away, or even to be anything less than his usual cheerful, ‘cool, calm and collected’ self. His disciplinary record is squeaky clean: he has not put a foot wrong. Sean is an impressive all rounder, and all indications are that he still has not reached his ceiling. He will thrive at whatever university he ends up at, and will contribute vastly both academically and as an athlete. I am delighted to be able to recommend him to you.
申请人一定提前和推荐人沟通好 , 留出充裕时间请推荐人操作推荐信的提交工作 。
