推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 七 )

She achieves good results through high expectations of her prefects and a firm but encouraging manner. Clarissa mixes well with all social groups at school, and commands the respect of her year.
In the four years I have known her, I have seen much of Clarissa’s character. Her caring for humanity can be seen both in the issues she raises academically, like the economic causes and consequences of inequality, and in her interaction with her classmates. She always makes time to help her peers. For example, she has helped many of her classmates by reading and editing their university applications. Although Clarissa undeniably possesses both moral and intellectual gravitas, she also has a dry sense of humour. Her way of tempering even her most serious thoughts with comic touches makes her a true pleasure to teach.
Clarissa is exceptional on every front. If we were to rank students she would easily be number one; she is simply one of the best and brightest the school has ever seen.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #8 – Cameron 第8封
Cameron is without question an absolutely outstanding student. Having moved from America to England at the beginning of Year 10, he gained A* in all nine subjects he took at GCSE, and took five subjects at AS Level, all of which he is taking on to A2. In conversation with him it very quickly becomes apparent how intelligent he is, but he is also very well read, and socially mature and responsible – a natural leader.
Cameron is highly unusual in that he studied at AS Level five subjects (instead of four, namely Economics, Mathematics, Physics, English Literature, and Further Mathematics (this last subject he is doing virtually independently as there is a timetable clash with English Literature). The key descriptor here is ‘independently’: Cameron is extraordinarily self-motivated, full of initiative, and entirely ‘his own man’, while being alert to and interested in others.
In the summer after GCSEs, he won a place on a Harvard Summer School (where he gained 2 As in the Economics courses). He is considered here to be outstanding in Economics, and is already thinking independently (he reads the Economist in Form Registration !). His tutors agree that at AS he was way beyond the level of understanding for the course, and was already keen to understand the derivation of theories. They write that he challenges the assumptions on which theories are built, and can apply his knowledge to different contexts with ease. Because his analytical and evaluative skills are already well honed, he can differentiate the key factors that cause differing results. He is a problem-solver; he is able to see a solution very quickly and communicate it effectively. His written work is extremely fluent and coherent and always shows evidence of wider reading. He will flourish at A2 where the greater use of intricate theory in a far more applied manner will suit his curiosity and enjoyment of debate. Cameron is an excellent mathematician and is exhorted by his tutors to attain ‘near perfection in his examinations’. He has studied Further Mathematics virtually on his own, and regularly asks thought-provoking questions. He is very well motivated – and freely gave of his time mentoring local Year 3 Primary School children gifted in Mathematics. Our Head of Mathematics describes Cameron as thoughtful, well rounded, interested, and well organized. In Physics, his tutors describe him as strong and well motivated in all aspects of the subject, a creative thinker with very high academic potential.
In addition to his very high ability in these scientific and technical subjects, Cameron has a distinct flair for English Literature and the study of language generally. He is very quick to appreciate linguistic subtlety, and has delighted the class with his original and perceptive interpretations. He has very highly developed powers of analysis and rational synthesis; and his written work, while having a firm backbone of argument very well supported with cogent evidence, also shows the rarer qualities of sheer independence of mind, a sensitive sense of proportion, and a succinct elegance of style and diction. His behaviour in class is very impressive; he has a palpable effect on the rest of the (able) group because of the seriousness of his commitment to the subject; he combines intense concentration with a ready sense of humour; he contributes only when he has something which he think is worth saying, so that everything he offers is interesting and often highly original. He initiates and leads discussion on key points, generously sharing his insights with the rest of the class; and because he listens carefully to others he can often build on their views and so make others feel that their contributions are useful. While he is exceptionally quick to spot flaws in an argument, he often manages to make his point with a deft touch of humour so that it easily commands consent.
