推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 九 )

Joseph achieved a very high A grade in his AS Level Maths exam in June (290/300) with full marks in his Mechanics paper. A highly talented mathematician, Joseph relishes a fast learning pace, quickly assimilating new ideas and applying them often flawlessly on paper. He combines a mature, positive approach with a close attention to detail and always makes a full contribution to the work of the group.
Joseph brings his organized, thorough approach to Physics where he reads and studies beyond the specification. Logical and systematic, he performs practical work conscientiously and accurately and can bridge between different areas of the subject to synthesise knowledge. He shows pinpoint understanding of key principles.
In Chemistry Joseph has developed into an incisive thinker, demonstrating considerable analytical ability. He has the critical ability to become a researcher. He questions keenly and incisively and a real strength is his ability to analyse critically his results and discard erroneous data.
Joseph again brings a sharp, analytical mind to Government and Politics where he combines excellent subject knowledge with a desire to be well informed about current affairs, contributing thoughtfully and with good political judgment to class discussions. His Parties and Pressure Groups paper at AS Level scored 96/100 marks.
Joseph achieved a High A in his AS Level Critical Thinking (271/300).
In addition to his heavy rowing commitment – this year he is Captain of Boats – Joseph has been an excellent school prefect. He has regularly attended meetings of two of the School’s academic societies at which prominent speakers address students.
Joseph is a thoroughly likeable, out-going young man who possesses enormous intellectual talent and who would certainly make the most of a place in higher education, contributing considerably to university life. He is unusually mature for his age and is hugely respected by his peers for his feats as an international oarsman and his sharp intellect. He has the resilience, stamina and independence that would be needed in a university abroad. I do not hesitate to give him my very strongest recommendation.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #11 – Sean 第11封
Sean joined our school five years ago having been awarded an academic scholarship. Since then he has excelled in every area of school life, and leaves us in a very strong position. Academically he is one of our strongest candidates in a Year Group of some 150 students, within a school which is highly academically selective. If he is unsuccessful in his application to Harvard, we are hopeful that he will be offered a place to read Philosophy and Theology at Oxford University. Further information on Sean’s academic profile can be found in the academic references submitted by his teachers.
Away from his studies, too, Sean has enjoyed five immensely successful years at our school. His greatest achievements have been in rowing, a sport in which he is showing considerable promise for the future. We are currently the leading rowing school in the UK, and Sean has been one of our leading oarsmen throughout his time here, rowing in the 1st VIII for the last three years. Over and above this he has also rowed for Great Britain at Under 16 and Under 18 level, and also for Wales, and will be a strong candidate for selection to National Senior Rowing in due course.
Sean has also taken part in a very wide variety of other activities, both athletic and other, and is impressive in that he manages to combine top-level rowing with strong academic performance and a healthy breadth of interest and involvement. He has sung in inter- house singing competitions, acted on the stage, played soccer and cricket.
In this his final year, Sean was appointed a School Prefect, one of the top twenty students of the 150 in his year, with collective responsibility for helping with the day to day running of the school, and, importantly, meeting with the Headmaster and Senior Management Team on a weekly basis, to discuss school issues, advise with policy decisions and represent the views of fellow students. Over and above this, Sean is also Head of House in a boarding house of 60 students ranging in age form 13 to 18. In this role he is my key advisor and sounding board, and plays a leading role in the day to day running of the house and care of the students. It is a role he has fulfilled with exceptional maturity and dedication. He is seen by me and by my colleagues as an entirely reliable and helpful leader within the student body, and by fellow students as a role model, a caring advisor, and kind hearted ‘elder brother’ figure.
