推荐人|美本申请中推荐人如何选择?内容怎么写?(附11封优秀推荐信)( 八 )

In summary, Cameron is an outstanding student on many fronts in this selective Grammar School. He has immense academic potential, but in addition he is a strong character who is admired by his peers and liked by most. He has developed very fine leadership qualities. He was voted Form Representative, a role which he carries out conscientiously, and he is a Peer Mentor. He exercises a stimulating and vibrant influence both in class and in the form group, who enjoy his sense of humour, and respect and want to emulate his abilities. It would be impossible for Cameron to be unaware of his gifts, but he behaves with a quiet modesty of demeanour, and while being very self-confident and intellectually sophisticated and challenging, is without intellectual arrogance and has a sense of fairness. His ‘gravitas’ has been noted – a word which exactly captures his poise and maturity – though I would also wish to mention his urbanity (among other things he is widely traveled) and social ease. He has a close-knit group of friends of similar intellect.
Cameron has said that he hopes that his main accomplishment here has been to make ‘love of learning’ a more socially acceptable trait – and he has certainly done that. He is very highly gifted across the sciences and the humanities – a very energetic, ambitious, but also well-balanced individual. He won a place on the highly competitive and prestigious US Telluride Association Summer Programs. We expect him to apply to his native American Universities where he is ideally suited to appreciate the best opportunities that can be offered to him there. He will relish the freedom to study at his own pace, and in areas that challenge him. He will participate in his chosen program to the full, both to his own credit, and to that of the Institution, and to the benefit of his fellows.
As his English Literature and Form Tutor, I consider him to be the most gifted student I have ever taught; he is better than an otherwise comparably outstanding student whom I once taught at the University of Oxford where I was a College Lecturer in the early 1980s – a student who took a First Class Degree.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #9 – Martha 第9封
I have taught Martha since she began Latin in year 8 and almost immediately she stood out as a very competent linguist. She grasped the finer points of Latin grammar with enviable alacrity. Her memory for vocabulary too has always been impressive. A quiet girl in her early years, the quietness could never have been ascribed to lack of confidence but rather to a circumspection which has served her well. Martha listens before she speaks and, as a consequence, when she does speak it is because she has something to say. As she has matured, Martha has emerged, even among the academic elite of this school, as a very special character. She is erudite beyond her years. She is well and widely read. She is witty. She has charisma in the most classical sense of “grace”. She is also, as was blindingly evident in her recent performance as the drummer in the band of the school play, very cool. Perhaps her most endearing characteristic, however, is that she seems as yet quite innocent of most of these qualities, remaining level headed and even modest about her achievements and abilities.
Here at our school, a most traditional establishment, it is not easy to break out of a fairly narrow mould. Martha is doing this in the same quiet but utterly determined way that in my opinion she will do everything she sets his mind to do. I have predicted that she would gain a Grade A Latin A level since she took the subject as a GCSE. Her hard work and commitment to the subject combine with her natural abilities virtually to guarantee this. It is with the greatest pleasure and the utmost confidence that I recommend Martha to whichever of the world’s establishments of higher learning to which she applies.
Helpful Teacher Recommendation #10 – Joseph 第10封
Joseph is a quite exceptional student, one of the most talented students to have attended this very academic school in the last fifteen years. He is extremely able academically, literate, immensely well organized and highly motivated. He excels both academically and in extra-curricular activities, having recently won a gold medal in the Junior World rowing Championships in Beijing. Having achieved five very good A grades at AS Level, he is now predicted to gain high A grades in all his A Level subjects of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Politics.
