西蒙·迪克茨(Simon Dicketts)曾在盛世长城(Saatchi & Saatchi)负责文案撰写并担任联合创意总监一职 。 出过不少优秀的平面、电视和电影广告, 在业界获得过多项大奖, 比如为英国航空公司、嘉士伯—泰特莱(Carlsberg--Tetlex)、《独立报》(The Independent)等大牌客户所做的广告 。 同时, 他也是盛世长城的新公司的联合创始人 。
在《The Copy Book》中态度文案, 收录了他的7幅作品, 其中有2则广告小编非常喜欢 。 今天就在此推送给大家 。
第一则广告是为英国《每日邮报》所写的短文案, 非常有趣, 图文结合堪称完美 。
Peter Smith reporting for the Daily Mail
广告中, 皮特与球员一起身处比赛的“最前线”, 球员戴着手套, 他则是拿着笔和本子, 随时准备记录, 连身体的姿势都与运动员一模一样 。
这则广告看了让人忍俊不止, 最最新鲜的赛事报道也不过如此了 。
第二幅广告是他为英国保守党所做的竞选广告, 全文都是字, 但是你一口气读下来也不会觉得心烦, 反而是越读越觉得有味道, 这则广告只能用一个词来形容——走心!
【英国创意大师「态度文案」:他的文字真的走心】1.我放弃为我的孩子择校的权利, 并且绝对服从国家以我个人的名义所做的一切决定 。
2.我允许劳工党带领英国脱欧, 即使我的工作和其他250万英国人一样, 靠的是英国与欧洲国家间的贸易往来 。
3.眼睁睁看着警察机关受制于政治控制, 即使这样一来会削弱他们维护法律与秩序的能力 。
4.我同意英国现在就放弃使用核威慑计划, 哪怕这一计划已经在欧洲维持了近40年的和平 。 与此同时, 我完全能理解俄国佬不会做出同样的决定 。
5.我愿意让自己的存款即刻缩水, 以此紧随劳工党希望英镑贬值的步伐 。
6.我允许政府向其他国家借钱, 能借多少就借多少, 我也愿意让我的孩子们来还债 。
7.我完全赞同大规模地国有化, 尽管对我而言这意味着要缴纳更高的赋税 。
8.即使我被强迫加入某个工会, 我也一点不介意 。 我并不奢望投票选举工会的领导, 也不介意在被告知要举行罢工之前是否进行过无记名投票 。
9.我放弃购买政府福利房的权利 。
10.我不介意支付更高的地方税 。
11. 我同意让政府把我的养老保险金用来投资任何他们认为合适的项目, 不论这些项目能否带回好的收益与回报 。
12. 我能够理解劳工党的一揽子计划可能意味着物价会再次翻倍, 跟他们的上个任期一样 。
13. 我意识到我必须马上放弃在保守党政府那儿获得的减税政策 。
14. 我放弃自己和家人去任何私利医院就诊的权利 。
15. 我知道一旦我签字同意了, 五年之内我将无能为力 。
1. I hereby give up the right to choose which school my children go to and agree to abide by any decision made by the State on my behalf.
2. I empower the Labour Party to take Britain out of Europe, even though my job may be one of the 2? million which depend on Britain’s trade with Europe.
3. I am prepared to see the Police Force placed under political control even though it could undermine their capability to keep law and order.
4. I agree that Britain should now abandon the nuclear deterrent which has preserved peace in Europe for nearly forty years. I fully understand that Russians are not likely to follow suit.
5. I agree to have the value of my savings reduced immediately in accordance with Labour’s wishes to devalue the pound.
6. I empower the government to borrow as much money as they wish from other countries and I agree to let my children pay the debt.
7. I fully agree to a massive expansion of nationalization, whatever the cost to me in higher taxation.
8. I do not mind if I am forced to join a union. I do not expect to vote for the leaders of that union and do not mind if I am not consulted by secret ballot before being told to strike.
9.I sign away the right to buy own council house.
10. I do not mind paying higher rates.
11. I am prepared to allow my pension fund to be used by the government to invest in any scheme that they see fit whether or not this shows a good enough return on my investment.
12. I understand that Labour’s plans could mean that prices will double once more, as they did under the last Labour government.
13. I realise that the tax cuts from which I will have benefited under a Conservative government may be withdrawn at once.
14. I waive my right to choose any form of private medicine for my family.
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